Blood bath.

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I left Jean's room at around 6:00 in the evening and she was sound a sleep by then . Lying on my bed her words come flooding my mind.
One to serve and the other to be served.
I sigh and roll over to my side then I notice a  liquid flowing out from beneath my bathroom door .  That's weird . I don't remember leaving the water running .
Because you didn't ,silly.
I get up and creep up slowly to the door. The liquid becomes more visible. Its water .I push the door open and pause in shock. My bath tub is flooded with blood . There is a weird drawing on the wall. In blood. The tap is still flowing but its blood coming out of it . I scream as I try to close it . Blood starts raining from the ceiling and dropping on my head . I scream even louder until I hear footsteps on the stairs. I want to run out but the door falls shut and refuses to open .I try to shake it open clawing at it with my nails but nothing. The blood level stats rising .
"Sam!Sam!" I can hear Raphael call out my name from behind the door .
"Help me!Raphael!Get me out of here!Please!" I call back.
"Sam open the door!" He yells.
"I can't ."
"What do you mean you can't ?"
"It's stack." I say .I am in tears by this time.
"She's right . The place is enchanted." Someone's voice comes through .Seth .
"What are you doing here ?" Raphael asks angrily.
"Want my help or not." Seth answers defiantly.
"Raphael...its Sam's Life at stake right now ." I hear Jean say .
"The door lock clicks and I see the pentacle symbol drawn on the door . The hinges break and the door falls to the ground. I stare at Seth .His breathing is heavy and he is sweaty . My eyes meet his stormy grey ones and I swear I see something cloud those irises. Tears? He is blocked out of my sight when Raphael pushes him aside and rushes over to me wrapping me in his arms . I hug him back but I am not too late to watch Seth walk out of the room . 
" Are you okay ?" Raphael pulls away from me. He cups my face firmly between his palms and I smile lamely and offer him a flimsy nod. He sighs in relief.
"Let's go get you cleaned up." He adds. Seth walks back into the room as Raphael drags me off . Everyone leaves too except him and Arthur.
"Let's get down to work ." Arthur comments . I catch the hint of happiness in his voice . Seth doesn't even look at me . He pulls out his amulet and starts saying a few words that I don't hear because we are out of the door the next minute .

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The moment I'm done with my shower I head out to  the bed and Raphael is still seated there in the dark like some Zombie. I turn on the lights and lean against the door way .
"You really don't have to stay here." I try to convince that I'll be alright for the hundredth time but he still says nothing to me .
"It wasn't your fault." I add sighing a bit as I make my way to the bed.
"Yes, it is !" He barks."I shouldn't have left you alone in the first place ." he adds getting up and raking his fingers through his hair with his back to me .
"You don't know what it felt like knowing you were trapped and I couldn't help you. I felt so weak damn weak . If anything had happened to you ,Bella I would have died." He says his last sentence looking directly at me and my heart stops for a minute. I am left speechless just watching this beautiful creature talking to me .  I get up feeling bolder than usual and walk over to him. He stares down at me and I keep my eyes on his lips.
"Say it again?" I plead my eyes glistening .
"Say what? " he pretends not to know what I mean.
"You know what I want to hear,Raphael. God damn it. Just say it." My voice breaks.
"If anything had happened to you out there I would have died." He whispers . His left hand grazes my cheek. A tears drop from my eyes and I chuckle shutting my eyes as my skin reawakens with His  touch . It feels like I have been dead all along and his fingers are my source of life.
He pulls me into his arms and I hold on to him because I know the next second this might be gone .
But for some reason Seth's eyes pop up in my mind .
What is wrong with me ? You didn't say thank you ,
I try to convince myself but a small part of me knows its more than that .
Raphael pulls away from me .
"Get dressed. I'll be outside the door waiting so we can join the rest downstairs ." I smile as he walks out.
Staying alone in his  room still gives me chills but with Raphael so close and Seth only downstairs...
My conscience is kind enough to remind me. I shake off the feeling and slip another white dress .Courtesy of Jean . It sure smells like her. Tying my hair up into a loose ponytail I head out. Raphael is standing before me looking like a murder machine the moment I open the door . His expression however smoothens the moment he sees me . He takes my fingers into his and we had downstairs with a thousand butterflies flooding my stomach and thoughts of someone else at the back of my mind just waiting to erupt the moment I see him . Damn you ,Sam. I curse inwardly .

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