Goldie discusses the Cutie Mark Crusaders about Diamond Tiara's issue

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*Within the depths of the Black Void*

The Crusaders woke up in an unknown place then a orb abruptly appeared making static glitchy noises until the sphere formed Golden Freddy, he's eyes were bolted opened to see the trio of fillies as he cleared his throat to speak in appropriate matter.

"My name is Golden Freddy, but you call me Goldie, I assumed that you little fillies were Sweetie Bell, Scootaloo and Applebloom known as the Cutie Mark Crusaders." Goldie spoke with a deep voice of a male looking at them.

They're surprised that Goldie knew their prescence even he knew that their blank flanks and builled by two familiar fillies by the names of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, he also have hatred on those two fillies for having such a impulsive reputation. He knew a theory or two about Diamond and Silver then he decided to tell them whether they like it or not.

"Hey Goldie, can I ask you a question or two?" Sweetie Belle asked as he nodded in response.

"Do you know who are bullies of our school?" This surprised him but he had no choice but to tell them as he sighed deeply ready to comply.

"Diamond Tiara and her friend Silver Spoon, am I right?" Goldie guessed the answer they were more surprised than before on of them could answer.

"Do you happen to know why she and Silver kept bullying us the most?" Scootaloo asked.

"Diamond is the only one that was having these impulsive intentions, It could've been misery, she's depressed about her mother's demise, family issues and/or other ways to have this typical unethical behavior towards you, Silver, on the other hand, wasn't attepmting to have the same intentions as her because it's the way to remain friends with her. Clearly Diamond mostly escalated everything in some situations," Goldie stated a theory which left the Crusaders shocked about that he's theory even got them speechless having no thoughts to describe this.

"How do you know?" Scootaloo asked curiously that Goldie made a slight chuckle.

"Honestly, I don't. It's just one of them," He simply retorted shrugging his shoulders.

"So what? This doesn't make sense why she's acting like a jerk?" Applebloom remarked.

"There could be many reasons to her behavior. One of them being social issues, depression, jalousie and/or private issues. Either one could be possible. Oh and I forgot, arrogant of pride over money since her father would give his daughter a huge amount of allowance." Goldie's right, there has to be many reasons about Diamond Tiara's behavior but Silver Spoon is out of the picture, "anything else I should know about her, girls?"

"Well, since it's not money also she has the potential of bullying others threatening them to obey her as a queen and gaining popularity of the school and Ponyville," Sweetie Belle spoke up.

"Ah, so that's one distinction we could take on the list. Now, what else?" Goldie enlisted which the Crusaders don't have any details left to query him.

"That's it, later on she and Silver would start bullying and humiliating us," Scootaloo spoke which Goldie didn't have a conclusion to Diamond's current behavior.

"That's it?" Goldie sighed giving him a moment to speak up to the Cutie Mark Crusaders waiting for him.

"Well, I already know what type of bully is she. I know she is 'physical' since she tried to continue to applying to your wounds, 'verbal' is included as she showed many mockery and humiliation, and 'social' is quite common. That part I don't get... why would she try to target your sisters and your other relatives other than you?"

"She... I don't know... we think she might've used them against us" Sweetie Belle complied which made a wrong answer to him as Apple Bloom and Scootaloo nodded in agreement.

"No no, she doesn't seem interest in targeting your relatives. Just to get them to attack you," Goldie clarified he started thinking further more so far, "Not sure if that's his intention... could it?"

"Well, we're not going to continue this subject," Scootaloo replied with frustrastion while Sweetie and Bloom nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, and we need to think of a plan to her escape," Apple Bloom spoke up while Goldie got another question for them while thinking.

"Does she have any friends besides Silver Spoon?" Goldie asked waiting to receive a reply from each of the trio.

"Well, she stole some of ours, you probably already knew them," Sweetie Belle replied.

"No no, they are not her friends except for Silver... They were manipulated by her, but the other thing is... Why? Do they have problems?" Goldie remarked which got them confused to reply to this.

"This makes my head hurt even more," Scootaloo complained with confusion and frustration not replying to his question.

"Well, do they?" Goldie repeated demanding in a stern tone.

"Well, they did tease us for sometime," Apple Bloom replied.

"Oh, then nah. They are not the problem," He scoffed the ponies were out of the picture including Silver Spoon.

"How? They pick on us too," Scootaloo retorted with confusion.

"Yes, but they're not the problem."

"I don't understand, can you explain to us what is going on?" Sweetie Belle asked lacking knowledge from one of Goldie's conclusions.

"Look, it's normal for kids in elementary to tease one another, it's not an issue. Plus, they could easily be very manipulative when comes to a humiliating subject." Goldie explained with a theory statement.

The Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Golden Animatronic were silent as well as the Black Void be, they were speechless except him to reply to that, and momentarily the silence broke for them to communicate.

"I have another theory that... since she doesn't have friends except Silver Spoon I can conclude that she has social problem, I mean sure she might've invited all your class to a birthday party, but that doesn't mean they're offically friends. Plus it's possible that she was mourning for her mother since it's highly possible for fathers to attempt to bond with their children to forget the tragic event."

Then again Goldie was right about his other theory even the last part of it, the Crusaders were surprised that he was this intelligent to know about everything unfortunately he couldn't be like Marion Specialist.

"Does she tease about your appearance?" Goldie questioned if they could simply reply to this

"No, never, why do you ask?" Sweetie Belle queried.

"It's nothing, but I know she started to bully you since the first day of school were she and Sliver Spoon first met you it's also her first day as well. Do you want me to proceed or not because you're exhausted?"

"We don't to hear all about it because we're tired," Scootaloo spoke Sweetie and Apple Bloom nodded in agreement.

They have enough information that he could entail them as soon as possible for their bully scenario to occur by Diamond Tiara and Sliver Spoon, Goldie used his powers forming a energy ball as he fired at them they started exposing yellow and white aura in the Black Void as it became bright which he had to shield his eyes, soon it's over as he unshield his eyes to the Crusaders were gone.

"I hope that they could understand the information that I have entailed."

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