Stryker vs (Unknown Anomaly)

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For Iamnotacreep.

A Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor has stumbled upon an unknown anomaly, which was a chimeric hybrid with supernatural powers. Will Stryker survive and win the fight against the strongest and most powerful chimeric hybridized entity in existence of the Multiverse or die and lose?


A Pteranodon flew off, merely killed by distorted and sharpy teeth of his jaws. Stryker spotted a flock of Pterosaurs flying into him as he swung his talons at a Quetzalcoatlus, collapsing on the earth lifelessly.

The Hybrid lunged a bite at a incoming Pterosaurs, yet it swiftly dodged from his serrated pintpoints of teeth clamping on the it's vulernable flesh and skin. Regardless, Stryker crushed the limping pterosaur under his foot that attempted to nibble his ankle, as blood scattered from the decapitated prehistoric flying reptile.

A Pteranodon, an Alanqa and a Dimorphodon charged, flying straight into him for clawing and biting his flesh; to merely be slaughtered by his yellowish grey atomic breath. Nevertheless, a Quetzalcoatlus was about to charged until it promptly faltered to a halt, knowing that a loud rumbling growl materialized upon feeling the ground vibrating by large footsteps.

The Flock of Pterosaurs fled away, retreating to an evacuating exodus for their safety and survival; the Hybrid wasn't worth fighting. One Pterosaur was killed by a set of three talons from the Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor whilst attempting to fly away. Stryker remained motionless as two thunderous vibrating footsteps were taken, followed by a rumbling growl and divluging a ginormous, deadly male Theropod.

However, it was another Hybrid unlike any other Predator he had ever encounter in his life; Based on his analysis, the Hybrid was an Indomination Rex and an Indomiraptor along with an Indominus Rex, Indoraptor and other mysterious unknown ancient creatures of the Multiverse.

Stryker entered his combat stance, baring his serrated teeth and long talons at him; displaying defiance, confidence, determination and bravery to fight the Entity. He took action first as his long spiky osteoderms sparked with electricity, firing a whitish black atomic breath at Stryker which he dodged with ease yet a it was a strong blast.

Stryker fired his yellowish grey atomic breath at the Entity, aiming directly at the head which was ineffective to him leaving his oppenent with a blank and empty expression. The Entity substantiated that the Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor was more determined, confident and brave with a physical cunning prowress.

However, Stryker ascending up the Titanic Hybrid's back; clawing and biting the flesh, yet the body was made of obsidian along with an unknown material instead, lacking claw and bite marks had applied onto him. The Titanic Hybridized Entity's gaze was crossed with a scornful expression, as Stryker shot his atomic breath at the Hybridized Titan's head. Yet he raised his body, whilst Stryker's slipping his grip away as he grasped onto one of the Titan's Spiky Osteoderms and received an electricution, shocking the Mutated Kaiju Hybrid until he fell off to collapse on the ground.

Stryker nearly lost his consciousness, fighting the Hybridized Titanic Entity to win for ensuring his safety and survival. The Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor regain his composure, scurried away from the feet to crush him; He glanced around to face the Titanic Hybridized Entity, bellowing shrillingly with defiance and determination. The Hybridized Entity roared defiantly, despite the bellow was highly louder than the Indominus Rex and the Indomination Rex; Fabricating earthquakes, seismic waves vibrating beneath the earth yet the global worldwide and every living creature have heard the roar of devastation and death, sending everyone into a full-scale panic and evacuation to an exodus, including the Dinosaurs and other living organisms.

Regardless, Stryker blasted his atomic breath at the Hybridized Titanic Entity, whom casted a protective barrier shield infront of him; preventing any damage applying onto him. The Titanic Hybrid Entity gazed upon the Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor, peering into his face with a defiance and confidence expression at the same time. Both stared for seemingly a few minutes, until the Titanic Hybrid Entity glanced around; sending incoming death waves at him, Stryker complied burrowing underground for protection.

The Hybridized Titanic gazed upon the exposed burrow fabricated by Stryker, firmly locked onto the burrow waiting for the Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor remerged from the ground once again. However, He waited for a few minutes before striking once again; as the Titanic Hybrid Entity glance around, pacing away from the burrow due to his lack of patience and wouldn't bother wasting his time on his opponent.

Unbeknownst to him that Stryker remerged on the surface, watching the Hybrizied Titanic Entity ventured away and he had analysis to scan any weaknesses on him, before attacking once again; Stryker flexed his anticipating long sharp talons, before charging instantaneously at the Titanic Hybrid Entity.

He glimpsed behind, as Stryker leaped high in mid air to merely land ontop of his head, the Titanic Hybrid Entity's dark scleras with dark blue eyes widened; frazed by the Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor's incoming claws on his eye, whilst the Entity used his free left long forelimb to block them.

The Hybrizied Titanic Entity slightly growled as Stryker lost his grasp, falling off his head until he was caught by his forelimb and his expression crossed with fury anger and blank. He roared defiantly, emanating seismic waves from beneath the earth before he threw Stryker away, as he teleported away with a flash of dark particles.

Unfortunately for Stryker, the Titanic Hybrid Entity detected the Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor's teleportation, albeit his analysis known that Stryker was weaker than the Chimeric Hybridized Gods. Styker teleported above his head merely landed straight into his jaws, struggling to escape the teeth's tightening bite force yet he instantaneously teleported out of his jaws.

Stryker teleported on the ground as he fired his yellow greyish atomic breath before the Titanic Hybrid's dark blue atomic breath countered his own, he used all his strength for his atomic breath to fight through merely for him to get shot as an explosion occured. Stryker was knocked away onto the side of the Volcano, his opponent was recharging whilst his long spiky osteoderms sparking with electricity and converted into his mouth before he fired directly at the Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor.

Stryker was weakened, lacking his strength and energy from fighting back whilst his eyes shut in anticipation, lingering upon awaiting for his death to take his life away from the Multiverse.

The Hybrizied Titanic Entity fired his charged electric atomic breath at the Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor, killing the Stryker as the Volcano exploded with fire and lava leaking out from the side. He roared, bellowing victoriously whilst earthquakes occured; fabricating seismic waves had shrouded him, before teleporting away to a destination of an unknown location.

Unbeknownst to him, Stryker had survived from the obliteration yet he teleported out of there whilst using his last energy of his power. The Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor strode forth, pacing whilst wincing upon suffering from his deep wounds. Stryker collapsed on the ground from a different location, his entire body was paralyzed and numb from lacking so much energy of his strength and power was fully drained.

Feeling dazed and seizure, his vision was blurry. He peered about; Spiky Claw, Ashen and her pack were directly scurrying to him, he was drifted into unconsciousness completely and darkness had engulfed him from the Multiverse. The Mutated Kaiju Spinotahraptor had substantiated the Hybridized Titanic Entity's real name, which he feared a new enemy had existed in the Multiverse.

S H A D E R O I D.

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