Tristan's day off in Equestria

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Tristan decided to show his viewers about him doing his free time activities in Equestria when no one is around with an exception of other inhabitants beside Ponies. Will Tristan's day will be the best or the worst day ever?


It's four in the morning Tristan was sleeping at his mansion that was somewhere away from the Ponyville and Canterlot along with other the cities beside them, then he woke up to enter his bathroom to urinate for a moment he wasn't exactly planning to stay up until everyone's awaken from their sleep.

Tristan exit the bathroom heading back to his king sized bed checking his alarm clock the seemed to be four thirteen but he scoffed the time and returned to sleep, then the time pass in an hour as the alarm clocked started beeping constantly which woke him up stopping the constant beeping.

It's time for me to take a day off, He mused himself as he yawned with moan leaving his bedroom heading to his living room to watch some Netflix on his smart tv, he was able to afford enough profit to purchase his Netflix account since he's a billionaire back on earth.

Tristan seemed to not take any interest to verify himself with other things that he happened to get everything he wanted however, due to his train of thoughts about his old life before he could become a billionaire and he could entered Equestria as well as encountering the alicorn princesses and the elements of harmony.

He decided to have self-motivation with any positivity to seep out the negativity within him due to destroying his body and himself mentally, because of the past of his old life then he was motivated that he had befriended the princesses, the elements of harmony and other various ponies in Equestria.

Unfortunately it wasn't enough to satisfy his positivity since he was preventing stress to damage his body with agony and mental pain, anyways he was like a family to them as it was like a family to him after he lost everything because of Shadow and the Nightshaders caused these tragic events. He was a indeed a strong metahuman but everyone has their own weakness but he feared that those will take advantage of him to do whatever it takes to hit his weakness.

Then he watched the Loud House to have self-entertainment which he became depressed about a certain white boy named Lincoln Loud, he reminded him like a son to him and he's willingly to provide anything to help Lincoln in life by spending his entire life to help evade out of misery caused by his family because Tristan's past and old life was similar to Lincoln's current life living with his family and experiencing problems, situations, scenarios and escapades with his life.

Tristan continued to watch the a couple of episodes till it's five thirty to begin his morning routine, and decided to head out for the rest of the day spending his day off of every stress applied to his body and every harm that applied to his wounds. Then thirty minutes passed that It's time for his morning routine but first he made breakfast for himself his cooking was improved to be better than his mother and his grandmother's cooking after entering a cooking competition and he won first place to be the best chef in America.

Tristan was finished with his breakfast then he washed his dish and utensils after that he examined them to confirmed that there wasn't any trace of leftover food that was eaten, then he ascended to the bathroom near his bedroom to get an hygiene routine making a preparation as part of his hygiene routine.

Then Tristan decided to take a shower by stripping his clothes proceeds entering the shower turning on the head with both temperature felt the warm water hitting on his entire body and he also use some conditioners as well. A few minutes passed he got out of the shower wearing both towels on his head and body then it's time for him to clean his teeth.

Time has passed Tristan completed morning routine and the day is today to go out in the open, he's wearing his usual attire back on earth similar to Boris' attire but differently and got some stuff as well as some food and drinks with him. He's attire was a black shirt inside his black hoodie, dark blue pants, black socks with purple stripes and crimson shoes. Then the set of his stuff was a taser staff, a tranquilizer suppressed pistol, and bo-staff were inside his tech bag, and btw his Samsung Galaxy Note 8 was inside his pocket.

Tristan was ready to head out leaving his mansion with full security system that was initiated in case of any intruders intrude his place of home, he was presumed that it's the best to proceed going somewhere on foot heading to Ponyville, and he became cautious about the fillies and colts would attempting get his attention to them.

He didn't want children spoiling his offical day off but he had to avoid making contact with them at all cost, Tristan happened to bring a cloaking device with him to become invisible to anyone.

I could be doubtful but I hope this works.

Tristan was invisible passing by the residents carefully without hitting them because they'll somehow expose him, as soon as he passed by everyone he quickly made his way to the park heading next to the bush and Tristan was no longer cloaking becoming visible.

Good luck having a day off, Master.

Tristan scoffed his darkside's words ignoring his words and rather not to respond to Overmind, then for a moment Overmind returned to dormant within through out his mind and Tristan broke his train of thoughts returning to reality.

He went to a bench taking off his tech bag next to him check around his surroundings fortunately their just ponies in their daily lives focusing their own businesses, btw he still has powers that were stronger than any alicorn magic and unicorn magic. Tristan was both void magic user and expert since the special voiders have highly experienced with void magic and their own leaderships in their own realms.

He knew that the Void wasn't just the banishment it's just also known as the Material Universe, created within void energies that could emulated both any technology and any organism in any races beyond across the Multiverse, and the Void also have landscapes to make their own territories.

Anyways back to the subject in reality, Tristan became hungry which he slightly opened his tech bag getting food, that food is sandwich a few of them packed inside even he had yogurt for brain food, then ince he got the sandwich out he started eating while enjoying the flavors with ecstacy.

Tristan slowly opened his eyes to see the Cutie Mark Crusaders were crusading through out Ponyville helping other ponies about their friendships and finding their true talents to earn cutie marks, he knows that Golden Freddy was their true rightful protector.

Tristan was relieved that a group of fillies were about to spoil his day, fortunately he was able to avoid them though he felt bad for avoiding children, and somehow he felt like taking a vacation to Canterlot. Soon as hours passed it was dusk Tristan went home to his mansion and he had the best day off ever.

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