Crush [5]

309 17 0

The sunlight was shining through the white curtains.

"Argh my eyes..." Hoseok lifted his hand to protect his eyes from the sun. He then tried to sit up but he could feel some warm arms wrapped around his waist. He looked around a bit. He was laying on king sized bed with some black sheets. There was a huge window beside the bed and he could see the view of the beach through the thin curtains. He then rubbed his forehead and all the memories was coming back to him.

He burst out all of his hidden feelings to Hyungwon.
They we're taking a walk along the beach and he pushed Hyungwon into the water.
They also took some pictures together.

"Mhmmh you awake already?.." someone whispered behind him but he already knew who it was. He didn't really know if he had forgiven the other male or not. Maybe he had but deep down he knew that he was still unsure.

"BREAKFAST IS READY LOVE BIRDS" Minhyuk was banging on the brown wooden door. But why did he call them love bir-

"Shit" Hoseok whispered. Nothing happened yesterday right he sat there lost in his thoughts. Then he snapped out of it and lifted the sheets and luckly his pants we're still on but the shirt was nowhere to be found.

"Don't worry we didn't do anything Hoseokiie~ and your shirt is in the washer because you puked all over it" Hyungwon's mouth turned into a smirk a second after he finished his sentence.

"Or are you disappointed that nothing happ-" His stupid smirk became wider while Hoseok slapped his arm and gave him a irritated look.

"Pervert.." Hoseok sat up and walked to the wardrobe. He took one of Changkyun's white t-shirts because he obviously couldn't walk around half naked. Changkyun was a bit smaller than him so the shirt was a bit tight on Hoseok but he didn't have a choice though.

"I mean theres no need to wear a shirt to cover cause that white shirt is so tight so you can see through Hoseokiie~" Hyungwon finally sat up. The sheets was sliding down his chest. Hyungwon's chest was now the center of Hoseok's mind.

He was fixing his brown hair with his hand. Without noticing it Hoseok was drooling over him. You can really see that he's a model Hoseok thought.

"Hoseok you maybe want to close your mouth so the drool doesn't escape" Hyungwon then winked at him and Hoseok snapped out of it and started to feel uneasy. How could he just stand there drooling over someone he was mad at. (Apparently Hoseok can't decide if he's mad at Hyungwon or not)

Without Hoseok noticing it Hyungwon suddenly wrapped his long arms around Hoseok waist. He apparently moved his way down to the end of the bed.

He tried to escape from the position but Hyungwon's arms was locked. There was no escape. Hyungwon may be skinny but damn he had muscles. You just couldn't see it that much. Hyungwon started to lean backfowards and It made the other male lean foward too cause of Hyungwon's arms.

"W-What are you doing?" Hoseok started to stutter while trying to escape but it was pointless. Then something unexpected happend.

One of the girls that we're on the party barged into the room. She was going to eat breakfast with them so she stayed.

"Hey Hyugwon and Ho-" she frozed while seeing those two in the position. Apparently that girl tried to kiss Hyungwon all night yesterday. So she kinda had a BIG crush on him.

"Hoseok get off now!"
Over 100 readers🎉😘❤️❤️thank youuu!
I think this chapter was shorter than the other ones but yeahhhh~

Unforgivable...or? (hyungwonho)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα