Attention (9)

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Hoseok's pov

I started to walk away from them because my tears were about to fall from the corner of my eyes. I would look like a fool in front off them. But what I didn't expect was that Lisa smiled at me. I'm 100% sure that she saw me trying so hard.

"did she plan this to happen?" I don't know but I don't think so. Lisa isn't that kind of person right? But she's been giving me some weird looks like "go away" kind of look. But I would probably sound desperate if I was blaming her for being in a relationship with Hyungwon. I don't even know if he likes boys. He could just harshly reject me but not break me of course because I'm already broken.  (A/N Just had to write that ok " he can't break me cause I'm already broken" aaahhh geeez")

But I could finally be able to forgive him for once. I mean when I thought about it we were so young so I can't keep being angry at him forever that would only be childish. But then that Lisa popped up and destroyed everything and I'm back at the position I was before.

"Or maybe he was forced to be her girlfriend? I mean he was really unsure when he told me. Or was he maybe-No no I need to stop...and accept it. Maybe they really love each other. But this feeling can never disappear if I just don't tell him the truth about my feelings. I'll just say sorry to him later and ask him to reject me. Or I don't need to ask because he's going to reject me anyways haha.."

I fell on the ground in front of a giant tree and brought my knees up to my chest. There were no people just birds singing beautiful melodies. I shut out everything around me and focused on the melodies and let my tears flow out. Every single one. I just wanted them to come. 

I was so focused on the birds so I didn't even notice the fast footsteps that were coming towards me. But I didn't really care about that so I continued so sit down until I heard my name being called. Such a soft voice...

"Hoseok.." I looked up and saw a exhausted frog standing next to my tree. He placed a hand on the side of the tree to get a bit help with his breathing. But it didn't stop, it got worse. Wait a second...didn't Hyungwon have asthma in high school so that means...

"Stupid why did you run. It's not my fault if you die right here" I grabbed his bag and searched for that thing that he always uses. Damn I don't know what it's called.

"Hey where's that thing you use in situations like this?!"" He tried to get out the words but was struggling so bad but and IN THE CAR?!. I don't have time running.

"Hey...uhh..kissing....helps...." what was he talking about?! kissing doesn't really help it just make it worse right? 

"wtf are you talking about?! No it doesn't it just makes it worse stup-" I couldn't finish my sentence before I was pushed into a kiss. What was happening?...His breathing just calmed down. ..

"Hey I didn't have a asthma attack...Just wanted to get your attention." he mumbled into my mouth. Wait what? why did he want my attention? Shit does this mean that I stole someones boyfriend. Holy shit. I quicky pulled away

"Hey stop..why did you want my attention and why did you kiss me? and where is Li-" I had alot of questions I needed answer on. But Hyungwon stopped me from talking. Why?

"Don't bring Lisa into this conversation ok please?"



Hello my friends. My realised that my writing sucks but WHO CARES PFFT PFFT.

I feel like this chapter is a bit rushed. Ahh stupid me..If it is then sorryyy

oh well see you in the next chapter!

Unforgivable...or? (hyungwonho)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz