All over again (8)

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Two days had pasted and Hoseok was lying on his bed looking up at the ceiling.

"Has my ceiling always been this white? my eyes hurts. Maybe I should paint it black instead. Yeah let's do that" He randomly decided to change the color of his ceiling. But first of all, he needed to buy some paint.

He jumped out of his bed excited and took on his shoes. He ran around in his house searching for his car keys. He haven't used his car in 4 days so he doesn't really remember where he put it. But after 10 minutes of searching he finally found it. It was in the bathroom. He doesn't know why it was there but neither did he care he just ran out to his garage where his black audi stood waiting for him to drive.

He went into the car and started to drive. Then he remembered something, did he lock the door to his house. He wanted to go and check but was obviously too lazy so he just drove until he was at the motorway. It was a 1 hour drive to get where he wanted.

1 hour later

He drove into a market. But apparently he didn't see that there was a sign NO CARS  so obviously the people there started to give him weird looks. But it didn't bother him until an old lady walked and stood in the middle of the road and damn she looked angry

"is there a problem ma'am?" Hoseok gave her a confused look because he didn't know what was going on.

"Boy are you blind? Cars aren't allowed here. You can kill someone because there's too much people walking around here." Her face softened a little. She figured out that maybe the boy didn't see that small sign so she can't really blame him. But still he needs to have his eyes open.

"Oh I'm so so sorry ma'am I didn't know" Hoseok was quite shocked. How did should he know if there wasn't a sign. 

He drove out of that street and tried to find a place to park but it was so much people in town. But luckily he found one empty place to park. 

But even though he was lucky to find one spot he was still pretty unlucky because guess what..

A certain someone was parking there and guess who?


He let groan in his car. Even though he didn't want to park there he still drove and parked because the other spots were sadly taken. He hoped that Hyungwon wouldn't notice him but he was there with a car so it's pretty hard to not notice. 

After parking he quickly went out of the car and was avoiding eye contact but that didn't really help him to escape from Hyungwon.

"Hoseok is that you?" Hoseok went stiff but still turned his head to meet the other male. He had the most beautiful smile on his face. 

"So what brings you here? I mean you don't really like crowds right?" Hoseok's eyes widened. How did he know that he didn't like crowds. They haven't talked to each other for so long.

"How did you know that I don't like crowds?" Hyungwon giggled at Hoseok's reaction. 

"We were bestfriends in high school Hoseok. Come on I basically know everything about you. Because you're...really important to-" His words were cut out by a annoying high pitched voice coming towards them.

"Hyungwooooon baby I'm bac-" It was Lisa. She seemed pretty shocked to see Hoseok. But she still gave him a smile. Absolutely a fake one...

But why did she call Hyungwon baby? What's their relationship? maybe something happened while Hyungwon was dragged out of the house.

"Oh hey Hoseok. Um Hyungwon should we tell him about us?" 

What does she mean "us"?  Are they a couple now or what. So he was just playing with him in the bedroom? All those words were all fake?

But Hoseok took those words seriously. But why should he really care about Hyungwon's life. He told Minhyuk that he couldn't tell Hyungwon his feelings right? Then he won't

"That's right I'm NOT in love with Chae Hyungwon."

"Yeah um and um Lisa are a" After those words came out of Hyungwon's mouth his heart felt like it broke into pieces all over again. He could finally forget about that frog. But after a few years he just barged into Hoseok's life again without permission. But Hoseok couldn't stop him. He just couldn't. Just because of that he was heartbroken once again. 

Is it his fault or Hyungwon's. 

"Well it's obviously my fault for falling in love with him again and letting him walk into my life again. Everything is repeating itself and I hate it. I just want to live a happy life without a broken heart. It hurts...Shit I can't cry in front them. I would make a fool out of myself.." Hoseok then started to walk as fast as he could away from them. Fighting back his tears. That earned a smile from Lisa. She finally broke him like she broke Hyungwon and Wendy.

"what are you smiling for?"

Lmao I just said yesterday that I didn't have any ideas but here I am with a new chapter

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Lmao I just said yesterday that I didn't have any ideas but here I am with a new chapter. I guess I got some ideas while sitting on my chair thinking about what I should write next.

See you!🌻

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