Chapter 4

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 A week went by in my new home. After helping Nora with her chores for the day, I began to start doing chores on my own. A lot was expected of the servants of the house, but nothing impossible. Cleaning had never been one of my primary duties at the Obsidian, but I knew enough to get by, and I learned quickly.

Nora avoided me at all costs, refusing to look at me or sit next to me. Her newfound dislike of me had made the other servants even more wary of me than before, and I spent most of my days in silence.

Alexandre continually tried to interrupt that silence. He had a strange interest in me, one that was starting to become tiresome. He seemed to come across me at the most random of times, and after the third encounter I realized he was actively seeking me out.

At the fifth encounter, I was beginning to get annoyed. I was currently working on cleaning the main ballroom. The room was huge, even larger than the showing room at the Obsidian. It had to be larger than the range of a football field.

My only task for the day was cleaning the entire ballroom.

By myself.

I had already skipped lunch in order to ensure I got it done on time, and then Alexandre walks in, and begins to hold a conversation. Well, sort of a conversation. It was mostly him talking, and me giving the standard replies.

"Do you like parties, Syla?" He made a swift change in conversation, watching me with wide eyes as he tried desperately to pull me into a real conversation.

I paused in my cleaning, and turned to face him. "I was the events planner at The Obsidian, along with my other duties. I am very adept at parties." I answered. Alexandre watched me for a moment, his lip quivering for a few seconds, before turning into a full blown smile.

He laughed. "I asked if you liked parties, Syla, not if you were good at throwing them." I blinked. What did it matter if I liked parties? Even when I attended parties, I was always working. I didn't really enjoy the company of others either, so I suppose as far as parties went, I wasn't particularly fond of them.

"I do not feel anything about parties. They are a means to an end." He frowned, the laughter dying in his eyes. I turned back to my current task, wiping down the windows and patio door. I had already cleaned the baseboards and the chandeliers, and swept the floor. As far as mopping and waxing the floor went, that was a task taken on by a large group of the servants. I was almost finished with my tasks, but if I didn't get the windows done soon, I would miss dinner.

"But parties are great! Sure, they have their political and social purposes, but they're much more than that. The dancing alone makes them worth attending. Wouldn't you like to attend one as a guest, not a servant?" He asked.

I paused. "Would you like me to attend a party?" I responded.

Alexandre sighed, "Did I do something to make you hate me?" His voice was small, vulnerable in a way I'd never heard a vampire sound. I turned, taking him in; his eyes were downcast, almost sad. He was frowning, and his shoulders were slumped-a very unvampire action.

I decided to take pity on him. "You are mistaken." I answered softly. His eyes shot up, watching me with widened eyes. I almost took it back just from the hopeful look in his eyes. Almost. "I do not hate you. This is my reality, Master Alexandre. You are a higher being, and I only have so many uses to your kind." I walked towards him, stopping a few feet away. I looked up at him. "It's not a matter of hatred; it's a matter of survival."

I watched him for several seconds, reading the warring thoughts on his face. When I was sure what I said had sunk in, I turned around to continue cleaning. His hand on my wrist stopped me. I ground my teeth together.

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