Chapter 13

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Sorry for the wait! Hope you enjoy this chapter! It's very information heavy and I feel like I may have been confusing as some parts, so let me know if something doesn't make sense and I will try to fix it, or at least try and explain lol. It's a little shorter of a chapter, but I'm a fan of what goes on in this chapter. Thanks for reading!

^^^Picture above is our newly introduced character in this chapter. I'm a big fan of this character and I hope you guys will like him too!


"Forgive me, but what will this prove?" My head was clearer now, less fuzzy than it had been when Aravos decided to make me drink alcohol. Still, I couldn't quite understand what the point he was trying to make was.

Aravos held my sliced wrist over a glass, letting a good amount of blood drip into the glass and then placing a piece of medical cloth over the wound to help it clot. Aravos then turned to his desk, opening a few drawers, shuffling around in them, and then pulling out a small white bottle. He twisted the cap off of the bottle, and handed it to me.

"Drink this," He instructed. I took the bottle from his hands, apparently still tipsy enough to send Aravos a scowl without fear of repercussions. I looked into the bottle curiously, finding a deep purple liquid that smells foul when I put my nose to it. I scrunch my nose up, but know I have no choice but to drink it. I hold my breath and bring the bottle to my lips, downing the liquid. It didn't taste as bad as I thought it would, but it was still definitely disgusting.

For a few brief moments, I felt nothing, besides the mild clearing of the last bits of fog over my mind caused by the alcohol. Then, something began to race in my veins. Jitters ran up my arms and legs, my heart beginning to beat faster and faster until I thought it was trying to escape from my chest. Soon, I couldn't help rubbing my arms, feeling the unexplainable need to escape my own skin. I was panting, gasping. I started moving around the room, pacing, but I don't even remember when I had started to do it.

I looked to Aravos for help.

"It'll wear off soon. Come here," He instructed. I didn't want to come closer-I wanted to run out the door. I couldn't breathe, it felt like all of the oxygen in the room had suddenly disappeared. I needed to get out, to run before something terrible happened. Maybe something terrible already was happening-maybe I was dying, or, ill, or, or...

Aravos sighed, appearing before me in a second, and gripping my non-injured wrist in his hand. He pulled me back towards the table, where another empty glass was standing. Before I could so much as flinch Aravos had sliced open my forearm and turned my arm so that the blood could fall into the glass.

"That liquid you drank causes the body to go into a panicked state. It won't last longer than fifteen minutes, try to take a seat and even your breathing." He instructed without even bothering to look at me. He pulled out another medical cloth, but this time he tied it around my cut himself, seeing as I was shaking too hard to be capable of doing it myself.

Asshole. Did he have to poison me?

Despite his instructions, I couldn't force myself to sit down. Instead I stood in place, bouncing my leg against the ground. I didn't think sitting would help anything; it would probably only make the feeling of crawling out of my skin worse.

Just as Aravos said, it didn't take long for the panic to slow down, until I was breathing normal. As soon as I was finished panicking, Aravos moved the two glasses of my blood to stand in front of me on the table. Without saying a word, Aravos sliced his palm open. Catching my eye, he began to pour some of his blood into the first glass to blood. Nothing happened, as expected.

"Watch," Aravos ordered, despite that I was already watching. He dug the knife deeper into the already healing cut, and allowed some of his blood to drip into the other glass.

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