Chapter 23

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I asked my father to let me use the jet so I could finally come home. I haven't spoken to her in almost three weeks. I used this time away from her to clear my thoughts, to solve this fucked up puzzle game we play, to see if I miss her, and fuck me, I did. I missed her like a man misses water in the desert. She has always been on my mind no matter how hard I tried to convince myself it's not true, no matter how much I tortured myself to forget her. I love this stubborn little woman and no matter what happens, I've decided I will get through everything with her by my side, holding my hand, smiling at me.

I walk upstairs and suddenly I hear a moan coming from her bedroom. Then I hear a man's voice and my mind goes dark, while my heart clenches in my chest... It doesn't take more than 2 seconds for my eyes to go completely black, my fangs to come out and my veins to thicken on my temples. I open the door and see her laying almost naked under some scumbag, letting him kiss her chest.

'Get the fuck off from her!' I shout with a very dark and menacing voice while I grab the prick's arm and throw him against the wall. He hits her vanity table and then crashes on the floor.

'Theo! What the fuck are you doing?'
She screams in fear but I ignore her.

All I want is to rip this motherfucker's heart out from his chest with my bare hands. She gets off from the bed and puts herself between me and the poor bastard that's unconscious on the floor.

'Theo! Stop!' And then she looks at my face and her skin goes pale. I realize she has seen me completely transformed. She looks at my fangs, at my black eyes.

'Theo! Stop! You can't hurt him.' She says with a shaky voice while tears flood her eyes.

'So now you're finally afraid of me.' I manage to control my urge to kill and speak to her.

'I'm not afraid of you. You won't hurt me.' She says while reaching her hand to my face, touching my cheek.

'Come back to me, Beast.' She gives me a small smile while tears run down her cheeks and I feel myself returning to normal.

I close my eyes and turn away from her.

'You and your little loverboy will leave this house as soon as he wakes up. Consider this kindness. I don't fucking care about the will, about anything. I want you gone by sunrise.'

'Why? Because you are allowed to kiss me and the fuck 2 blondes at the same time? Because you almost had sex with me and then went on a fucking spree again?' She asks between her sobs. 'Why can you hurt me and I can't serve you the same dish?' Her cries choke her as she speaks but I refuse to give in.

'You already did. Now pack your stuff and get out.'

'Theo!' She tries to touch me but I lose control again and turn towards her with my fangs glistening.

'I said GET OUT!' I smash her door closed and return to my bedroom.

My thirst is out of control. I take 3 blood boxes from my minifridge and drink them all in a minute. I struggle to maintain control but it is really hard when all I can see is another man touching her body, making her moan. Hate fills up my veins and I know I must do something to stop myself from losing it for good. I open the minifridge again, take out a seringe with garlic serum and inject it in my leg. Then I take a second one and inject it in my other leg. I lay down on the bed and let blackness take over me.


I told Mat to leave and never speak to me again, that we will never be together. He didn't ask many questions as he was still dizzy from the knock on his head. He will probably call me after he'll sleep it off. I sit on my bed and try to decide what to do.

He kicked me out. Should I go? Should  I stay? Nobody can help me...

But actually... Selena... I pick up the phone and call her.

'Selena, sorry to wake you up, but something bad has happened and I need you to listen to the entire story before saying something.' I tell her in one breath.

So I start telling her that me and Theo kissed and that the night he got shot we almost had sex. I told her about how Theo would parade all these whores in front of my eyes, how much I love him. By the time I start telling her what just happened, I am crying my heart out.

'Rose, breathe. Did something else happen?' She asks with a motherly voice.

'He left for 3 weeks. He didn't call. He left me again after he almost made love to me.'

'Rose, he...' Selena tries to cut in but I don't let her.

'Don't try to defend him, Selena. He left me so I accepted to date this guy from school that has been courting me for almost 3 months. Theo came home tonight and found us making out almost naked in my bedroom. I was planning on sleeping with him to forget Theo. He hurt Mat... his eyes... he had fangs and... what is he, Selena?' I ask her crying until I choke on my breathing.

'Rose, calm down. We are coming there in 2 hours. Don't leave the house. Lock your door. I will explain everything to you when we get there.' Selena tells me.

I go to the door and lock it. I enter the bathroom and lock myself in while I crawl into the bathtub and continue to cry until I fall asleep with the phone in my hand. 

I dream about Theo's face, his dark eyes, his fangs, the red liquid that looks like blood and about him biting my neck and I wake up shaking and screaming.

'He's a vampire!'

I grab my bag that I packed just in case I would be forced to leave, get in my car and drive. 

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