Chapter 39

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'You didn't have to do that, you know.' Dorian looks at me with a smirk on his face.

'I know. But it felt so good.' I tell him while studying my nails, letting a wide wicked smile spread across my lips. Dorian looks at me but doesn't say anything. He lifts Theo from the floor like he's a feather and drags him on the couch.

'How long until he wakes up?' I ask him still looking at my nails.

'You can stop pretending you don't care, Rose. He's back. I can smell your panic.' He tells me.

'Well, don't! It's none of your business' I hiss at him and turn around to leave.

'Don't be a child, Rose. You are both my children. Of course it's my business. He'll wake up in a few hours.' He tells me before I leave the room.

I walk to the kitchen to drink a bag of blood. He's back... Fuck! He's really back. Then why do I feel like breaking his neck over and over again?

'My beautiful baby...' I look at her with adoration while I pick her up in my arms.

'Mommy loves you so much. You are my beautiful butterfly. Mommy will protect you from all the harm in this world.' I kiss her forehead and she rewards me with a giggle. My heart melts every single time I see her blue eyes, her blonde hair, her button nose. She is the reflection of Theo except she has a small nose like mine. There is no doubt she will grow up to be a gorgeous woman.

I carry her to my bed and climb on top of it, feeding her the bottle I have prepared. After she finishes, I place her on the bed next to me, put some pillows around her and fall asleep, enchanted by her wonderful smell.


I wake up with a pounding headache and a sharp pain in my neck.

'Fuck! I wish people would stop welcoming me so warmly.' I mutter as I get up and head to the kitchen. I take a blood of bag from the fridge and dry it up. The pain starts to subside as my senses sharpen from feeding.

I feel a lovely scent of strawberries and milk filling the air. It's so sweet, so heartwarming. I follow the scent and find myself in front of Rose's bedroom. I slowly push the door to open and I see her sleeping next to a gorgeous baby that keeps tossing her legs and arms while she giggles.

I am frozen. I am lost and found again while I look into her beautiful blue eyes. She is wearing a lovely pink onesie that has cupcakes on it. Heavens... I've never been a believer in anything, but this baby has made me worship her without being able to say a word to me.

I walk towards the bed and see her smile at me, while tossing her legs again and touching Rose's hand.

Rose opens up her eyes and I forget how to breathe. Her eyes are obsinian dark, her hair shines into wonderful big curls while her skin has an enchanting glow. Her plump lips are parted in surprise to see me in her room.

'Get out.' She says while closing her eyes.

'Rose...' I try to speak but she cuts me off.

'Now!' She hisses and I know I have to leave because it's not going to end well.

'I'll wait for you in the living room.' I tell her and I exit the room.

I walk nervously towards the living room, thinking about what I could possibly say to make it up to her. And the baby... is she mine? Did the baby make it? My mind swirls with a thousand toughts and I don't hear my mother coming into the room.

'You're awake.' She says while sitting down in the opposite side of the room.

'Nice to see you too.' I tell her, not higing my sarcasm.

'Don't be like that, Theo. What are you expecting? You've been gone for 1 year and a half, for heaven's sake.' She scolds me like I'm a five year old.

'It's not like I chose to. I slipped bad and nobody stopped me this time.'

'Well, we were too busy keeping your pregnant girlfriend alive.' She presses on each word and throws me a glare.

'Fine, mom. Everybody's right. But again, can't I be given a break? It's not like I did it on purpose. I freaked out when dad said she is pregnant and that was enough for the thirst to take over me again.' My hands shake from the frustration I am feeling.

'Oh.. you freaked out... Imagine waking up with a 7 months belly and then tell me more about fuckin' freaking out.' I hear Rose's poisoning words behind me. Mom gets up and leaves us alone without saying any word.

'Come on, Theo. Tell me more about freaking out.' She threathens me as her eyes darken completely and her fangs extend. She looks like the perfect predator, but again, she is one.

'Rose. Calm down.' I reach for her but it only makes her angrier.

'Where were you, Theo? I woke up after 7 fuckin' months, with my belly the size of a watermelon. I had to have my baby cut out of me with a silver blade without any sort af anaesthetic because we were afraid it would hurt her.' She yells at me while her eyes return to their usual form and her canines draw back.

'Your baby?' I try to speak but she starts yelling again.

'Yes. MY BABY! You may be her father, but Eva is mine and as soon as I find somebody to make the serum for me, we will leave this house.' Her words feel like a knife in my heart. She can't be serious.

'Love...' I try to speak but she continues yelling at me.

'Love? Don't you dare call me that! What do you know about love? How dare you speak of it?' Her eyes start turning black again. She is really unstable.

'Rose, stop!' I shout as I speed-wrap my arms around her.

'Forgive me for letting you go through this alone.' I try to squeeze her harder but she frees herself from my hold.

'Don't you dare touch me again.' She hisses. 'I should have driven a stake through your heart.' And with those final words she disappears from the room leaving my heart bleed from her lack of love.

I've lost her...I've lost my daughter... I've lost the best thing that I've ever had in my life.

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