Chapter 26

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Christmas went by in silence. Everybody is concerned for Theo so we just sat down for a lovely dinner that Ivy cooked for us and shared stories. Nothing too fancy, nothing too loud, just a cozy family dinner.

As I am craddling Adam in my arms, I walk in Theo's room, where Ivy is preparing another shot of serum.

'Hey Ivy. Could you wait a few minutes before you inject him with that?' I ask her while Adam starts crying softly in my arms.

'Shhh little man. We don't want to upset uncle Theo.'

'Sure, sweetie.' She answers me and puts down the syringe.

I look at the little angel in my arms and can't help but feel my heart clenching in my chest. Would I ever be able to have a child with Theo if he ever forgives me? I want a baby boy that will look just as cute as Adam. The little boy takes my finger and sqeezes it with all his little strength, making my heart melt with love.

I look at Theo, feel the warmth of Adam's little body against my chest and I feel my emotions swirling in my mind, bubbling up to explode.

I burst into tears while looking at Theo and start speaking.

'Please forgive me. Please come back to me. I promise to leave and never return if you want me to. Just please open your eyes and look at me.' I whisper softly while tears fall down my cheeks.

Ivy takes Adam from my arms and gently strokes my hair.

'Come back to me, Theo.'


Her voice, it's in my head again. I can hear her. She is worried whether I will give her a child or not. She wants me to forgive her. She wants a baby boy. The fog in my mind slowly lifts and each time her voice fills it a little more, pulling me back towards her.

It's like a spell, it's intoxicating. It's making me want to wake up just to worship her for the rest of my life.

'Come back to me, Theo!' I can hear her loud and clear. It's like a command and my heart forces me to obey it.

I slowly open my eyes and see her standing next to my bed, her face hidden in her palms.

'Dimples...' I manage to say, not even recognizing my voice, before exhaustion takes over me.


'Ivy. He spoke!' I wipe my tears away while hugging him closely.

'I heard him.' Ivy says while looking at me a bit confused.

'I think we shouldn't give him the serum today and just wait and see what happens.' I tell her with pleading eyes.

'I'm not sure about that.' Ivy is reluctant.

'Please, Ivy. I have a strong feeling in my heart. He will wake up. Just trust me.' I ask her. She nods and goes out of the room while holding Adam.

I go to the bathroom and grab a small towel and some water in a wash bowl. I wet the towel and start cleaning his skin again. I've done this many times before during these last weeks. It calms him down and it eases my heart a little. Then I decide to take a leap of faith and take off the chain from his leg.

I see his face relax while his breating steadies. As I continue to rub the towel from his chest, down on his abdomen, I look at him with all my love, praying to all gods that he will return to me.

'I love you, Theo. Come back to me.' I take everything back to the bathroom and get into bed, cuddling next to him. I know I shouldn't sleep in his bed because he could harm me, but I soon feel myself falling asleep.


I feel a warm body pressed against mine. I open my eyes and look at her. Her face is painted with dry tears and her mouth is clenched in worry. She's sleeping, but even in her sleep she cannot relax. I move her away from me and notice the chain next to my bed. I go to the minifridge and drink all four blood bags stored in there.

She moves a little in her sleep and I decide to keep quiet, so she doesn't wake up. Images of that night come to my mind and I feel sadness filling my soul. I was so angry at her, but now I realize she just served me a cup of my own venom. I've done that to her so many times before that night, even though I knew how she felt about me. I could hear it in her voice, I could sense it on her skin, in the way she smelled. I was a jerk to her and she had every right to look for happiness in somebody else's arms. Then why is she here, in my bed? Why did I hear her voice in my mind the entire time I was asleep?

She saw me, that night. She saw me completely turned. She was so brave in front of me. She must know by now what I am. Yet, here she is, sleeping in my bed, next to a monster.

I decide to go take a short shower in order to calm my mind. It's almost midnight when Ivy walks inside the room and finds me drying my hair. I put my finger against my lips to signal her to be silent. She smiles at me and nods.

'Ivy?' I call her just before she was about to leave my room. 'Please tell everybody I don't want to be disturbed tonight.' I whisper and she gives me one of her famous smirks.

I lock the door behind her and crawl back under the covers, pulling Rose in my arms again. She kept begging me to forgive her but it is I who should beg. I don't deserve her but I will never let her leave my side.

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