Chapter 45

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I woke up in his arms, feeling complete and at peace. I close my eyes and smile to myself.

This is where I'm meant to be. Nothing else makes sense in this world when he's not around me. He is my other half. I was born to love him, I was made for him, shaped by his desires.

Looking at him sleep is my favorite thing to do. He looks so peacefull, so adorable. His lips move a little, drawing my attention towards them. I stare at his wonderfully sculpted face and thank the universe for making him my soulmate.

Yes, he hurt me... so many times. He's made so many mistakes, but we were finally in the right place before I lured him into turning me. I guess I've had my share of mistakes as well. Somehow, we've always found our way to each other. Just look at us now, tangled in each others arms.

And Eva... she's our little miracle. We may never have another child, now that both of us are vampires, but she is more than enough.

I slowly get out of bed and go to my bedroom to find Eva sleeping like an angel. She has grown so much. I am so happy that we get to see her grow up, together. But could we grow old together? Should I say yes? He's been home for months now and he has been doing anything in his power not to get me upset and to be near his daughter. He's really changed. I feel it in my heart, but somehow I am still afraid of being hurt again.

I hear some steps behind me and then a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist. He kisses my temple.

'Good morning, my love.' His voice is sleepy. I turn around and look at him with all my love. My walls are completely shattered by his touch. I place my lips on his.

'I love you.' I whisper against his lips and see a boyish smile spread all over his face.

'You can't even realize how much I longed to hear these words coming out of your mouth again.' He whispers back, his smile contagious.

'We should probably sleep here, in case she wakes up. It is only 3am after all.' I giggle like a schoolgirl.

'Oh, but I don't plan on letting you sleep, my love.'

'You are insatiable.' I kiss him sweetly.

I take off the necklace around my neck and place it in his palm. His eyes panic because he can't understand my gesture. I look him in the eyes and smile to hide how nervous I truly am.

'I will be your fiancee.' His eyes lighten with happiness and tears. He takes me into his arms and spins me around, making me laugh and waking up Eva.

'Ladybug, you heard? Mommy agreed to marry me.' He tells her while picking her up in his arms.

'Aren't you forgetting something? I ask him while showing him my finger that's missing a ring. He takes off the ring from the chain and places it on my finger with shaky hands.

'I will also marry you, but only after I feel we are ready for that. Untill then, you will have to live with your fiancee and the mother of your child. Is that ok with you?' I ask him with a shy smile.

He gives me a lingering kiss.

'I will accept anything that allows me to be with my family every single day. I will wait for you as long as you want me to. After all, we only have forever.'

'Forever.' I repeat after his and kiss him again while Eva keeps giggling in his arms.

'I'd better go prepare her bottle so I can put her to sleep. I have some insatiable cravings I need to take care of afterwards.' He tells me while his pupils dilate.


I walk back to the bedroom holding Eva's bottle in my hand. I still can't believe she agreed to marry me. The universe has been too giving when he created her. I have wondered so many years and done so many stupid things.

I have walked this earth before she was even born, yet she became my world the moment I first kissed her. This woman saved me from myself by giving me the easiest thing to give away: her love. She has loved me in my good days and in my bad days. She has loved me when I cherished her and when I hurt her.

I will forever be grateful for her gifts to me. Her love and my daughter are the most precious treasures I hold in this life and I will cherish them both for as long as I shall exist.

As I reach the bedroom door I see Rose playing with Eva. They are bith laughing and I am pretty sure the entire house can hear them, but nobody can love this sound more than I do.

'I used to think your laugh was my favorite thing in the world.' I tell Rose as I enter the room.

'And now it isn't anymore?' She asks me playfully.

'Now, hearing you two laugh together is my favorite thing in the world.' I tell her, kissing her forehead.

She cuddles in my arms, holding our daughter while feeding her the bottle I prepared. We don't say a word to each other. We both enjoy the moment. It's 3am in the morning and we are both up, feeding our daughter.
After Eva finishes her bottle, Rose places it on the nightstand.

We put Eva between us and lay on the bed. Rose is gently carresing Eva's head while she murmurs her favorite lullaby.

I look at my girls and I realize that I never knew happiness before this moment. This moment here is the reason I live for now.

'I adore you both!' I tell them with a strangled voice.

Rose looks at me with watery eyes and smiles.

'We adore you too.'

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