Chapter 36

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Today is Theo and Bella's birthday. They were both born the same day as Selena. Luck makes it that yesterday was Alex's birthday too. The house is filled with people, so everybody has to share bedrooms. It doesn't really matter since I've been sleeping in Theo's bedroom for over a year, but it sure is lovely to have the entire family around.

Ivy and Cain were the first to arrive followed by Bella and Alex with the baby boys, Adam and Alex jr. Clara and April have joined us in the afternoon, while the twins, Amelia and Aurora arrived later in the evening. The boys were busy playing with Ella. She was giggling and laughing making the house feel more alive than ever, making me feel the happiest I've ever been.

I spent the entire day playing with the kids and helping the ladies prepare for the party, while Theo spent his day with the men of the house.

In the evening, I joined Ivy in the kitchen, to help her and Selena prepare dinner. Clara and Amelia decided to help us while Aurora and April were setting the table and supervising the kids. It turns out it is quite a handful to handle two toddlers and a baby.

While I cut the vegetables that would be served together with the steak, Clara makes small talk.

'So Rose, when do you plan on becoming a vampire?' Clara casually asks me.

'Clara!!!' Selena stops her from talking furthermore while her eyes fill with panic. I notice her reaction and realize immediately that something is off.

'Selena? What's this about?' I ask her confused. 'Nobody told me anything about becoming a vampire.' I frown in frustration.

'Somebody talk to me!' I say with a shaky voice while looking at all four of them.

'Clara, go get Alex!' Selena instructs her while I leave the kitchen and go to the bedroom. I am confused and my head is spinning. So this is the solution to the immortality problem and everybody just decided to hide it from me. I run away to the bedroom and start crying uncontrollably.

I hear Theo walking into the room and feel the anger taking over me.

'Dimples...' his face is worried.

'Don't! Don't try to fool me. You knew the solution all along and you hid it from me?! You said you love me! You fuckin' lied to me, Theo!' I yell at him while punching him in the chest.

'I do love you. Can't you understand? It's dangerous! You could die, for fuck's sake! You could lose control and kill people!' He yells back at me while catching my arms.

'So what? You're just going to love me until I'm too old and then dump me for a younger one?' I hiss at him.

'Rose, don't be silly. I will love you forever. You have the antiaging serum. You don't need to become a vampire. Not now.' He grabs my temples and put his forehead against mine.

'But I want you to turn me into a vampire. You can teach me everything. You can teach me how to control my thirst. I don't want to live every day worrying about not being hit by a car or being stabbed in the street.' I tell him and feel him freeze.

'I can't. It's too dangerous. We still need to study your blood some more. What if you die? Can't you see that I can't live without you?' He tries to wrap his hands around me but I push him away.

'That's bullshit, Theo, and you know it. By not turning me you chose to live without me!' I snap at him and step back.

'My love...' he tries to calm me down but I don't nudge.

'Theo, I want you to bite me and turn me.' I tell him while looking deep into his eyes and focusing on my desire.

'No, Rose. Don't do this. Don't make me do this...' He begs me but I don't listen and I pull off my dress, showing him my black underwear set.

'It's a full moon, Theo. If you won't turn me, then fuck me like it's my last day on this earth. Fuck me like it is the last time you touch me. Show me how desperately you love me!' I tell him while I pull him against me, grabbing his crotch.

The next second his lips are against mine while he pulls my panties aside and inserts a finger into my dripping core. I pull down his zipper and take out his erection, guiding it to my entrance. He doesn't wait and enters me fast, leaning me against the door. He holds me up in the air with my legs wrapped around his waist while he pumps into me like a beast. I feel myself wanting to cum but I need to hold on a little longer if I'm going to succeed with what I truly desire.

His hands are on my ass, guiding me up and down on his erection. We both look down, at how our bodies unite together, how he enters me. It makes me lose my sanity and want to stay like this forever. I wrap my hands behind his neck and pull him into a sloppy kiss.

'Bite me, Theo!' I whisper to him. 'Bite me now. Take all of me.' I moan into his ear, making him lose control. I feel his erection growing inside of me and I know he is close too. His fangs graze my neck and I feel him slowly piercing my skin, sinking into my flesh. My legs start to shake and my abdomen clenches while my orgasm hits me strong.

'Turn me, Theo. Make me yours forever!' I manage to moan as I feel him filling me up. Then, suddenly I feel a strong burn inside the bite, like liquid fire spreading from that place.

My blood starts boiling while my body shakes uncontrollably in his arms. I let out a horrifying cry before I pass out.


I bit her... I injected her with my venom. What have I done? I pull up my zipper and dress her quicly in her nightgown. Everybody rushes in the room, hearing her terrible cry.

She is still shaking, her face is covered in sweat and her entire body is burning with fever.

'What have you done?' My father asks me while touching her burning forehead.

'You fool. Do you ever listen? When you bit her, did you ever stop to listen?' He asks me furiously.

'Listen to what? She fuckin' charmed me!' I try to justify myself but I feel terrified.

'Her heartbeat... or better said the heartbeats.' My father tells me and everybody gasps.

'Wh...what?' I am in shock. This can't be possible.

'She's pregnant, you bloody idiot. Haven't you learned anything in all these years?' He stands up.

I stand there frozen in fear, uncapable of saying a word while my father picks her up in his arms and takes her to the lab.

I sit down on the bed and for the second time in my life I begin to cry.

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