Chapter 37

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The pain... it feels like my blood is boiling in my veins while my muscles are being ripped off my bones, bit by bit. Every single fiber of my body is in excruciating pain. Why can't I wake up? I just want this to stop! I need the drumbeat to stop! It makes me go crazy! I hear it all the time, it beats as fast as a clock. Please God, just let me die! I can't take this torture...


I fucked up big time. From all the fucked up things I've done in this life, this is by far the worst. Rose is tied up on the bed in the lab, her entire body covered with sweat. Her veins are black and her skin is cyanide like. There are devices glued to her abdomen to monitor the baby's heart rate, to make sure the baby is alive.

The question on everybody's mind is: if this baby survives, what will this it be? He already has vampire genes and now my venom is spreading through her body. If the baby makes it, will it be normal? Will it be a monster?

All these things are eating my mind and my soul.

'How the fuck did she get pregnant in the first place?' I ask myself while making a hole in the wall with my fist.

'I might have a role in that.' I hear my mother's small voice behind me. My heart stops at her words, yet she continues speaking.

'She always told me she wanted children. She kept hoping that if Dorian impregnated me, you would be able to give her children as well. I never imagined things would take this turn. I...'

'You what?' I ask her while I feel my thirst scratching its way to the surface.

'I hoped that she will become pregnant and give you a child. You said you didn't want to turn her yet. I figured if you two had a baby, you would see that she is your soulmate.' She says while tears run down her cheeks.

'That night, in the ocean... I focused my energy on blessing all living beings in the bay, help them procreate.'

Her words trigger the darkness inside my mind and I storm out of the lab room. I feel betrayed, hurt. I suddenly have flashes with a stillborn baby, with Rose dead in my arms and I lose it completely.

I need to kill. I need to hunt. I need to feed until I feel sick.

The next thing I know, I wake up all covered in dried blood, sleeping in a small cottage in the middle of fuckin' nowhere.

I focus my senses and sniff the blood. It's human. I notice my surroundings, looking for any trace of a body, but all I see is dust.

I don't remember anything and I don't know where I am. I've lost my phone.

My mind wanders to the worst possible scenario. I've killed again. How long was I gone this time? A day? A month? My ears are buzzing and my head is spinning. My entire body hurts as if I've been injected with garlic serum.

I leave the cottage and go find a river to clean my clothes. After drying up completely, I start running, searching for a village.

I don't know for how long I've been running, but I finally reach a small town. Amazingly, I haven't lost my wallet. I enter a small hotel to check-in for the night. I turn on the news and my eyes go wide with panic.


I open my eyes and see Selena sitting next to me. I reach my hand out and feel the air as it caresses my skin. I can see Selena's eyes glistening a vibrant turquoise colour. I can see her veins under her skin, smell her blood.

'Drink this!' She tells me while handing me a Mc'Donalds cup. I take a sip and feel a sting in my gums, as my canines extend and turn into fangs. My mind goes is shock as I realize what I'm drinking and what I am. I put down the cup and sit up, feeling something move inside me. Then the drumbeat returns in my head, haunting me, tormenting me.

As I move me feet to the edge of the small bed I was laying on, I look down and see my swollen abdomen.

'What is this? What did you do to me?' I ask while looking at all the wires glued to my round abdomen.

'Rose... Sweetheart. Breathe. Your body has gone through enough.'

Tears start falling down my cheeks as I feel a small kick in my abdomen. And then another one. I am pregnant. I rest my hand on my belly and look away.

'How did this happen?'

'Well... you know how babies are usually made...' She tries to lighten up the situation.

'Selena... why is my belly so big?'

'About that... you've been out for 7 months. Your body almost shut down completely under the stress of the transformation and the... pregnancy.' She hesitates but still says the word, making my heart jump.

I am pregnant. I've been asleep for 7 months. I am a vampire now. I am to be a mother. I feel anger fuelling my body and my fangs come out again. My eyes darken and I lose control, jumping off the bed and running out of the house while I hear Selena screaming my name but I am in defense mode. All I can think about is that I have a baby.

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