something weird

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"how dare you called me a scaramouche?!"

"will you move on?! that happened like a month ago!"

jongdae, baekhyun, jongin and chanyeol watch the two running. yixing running away from sehun and sehun running to catch the chinese. it's amusing to see sehun losing his cool like this. he started to show more emotion than usual. they like zhang yixing for that. behind sehun's back they are actually seeing yixing, befriending him without sehun knowing. yixing's actually a cool guy and really kind now that they got to know more of him.

"i swear this two will end up as a couple." jongdae shakes his head, lips twitching into an amused grin.

"i ship it!" baekhyun claps his hand, grinning widely making his eyes form crescents.

"it's been a month since the incident and they're still bickering about it." chanyeol laughs when yixing hit sehun with a rolled paper on his back, then runs away for his life, oh sehun trailing behind him.

"go yixing! run, run!" jongin shouts, the said boy giving him a thumbs up as a thank you while he runs.

"whose side are you on, kim jongin?!" sehun shouts to the older, eyes wide in disbelief. it's like jongin just betrayed him, his own childhood friend.

"see? even your friend doesn't like you!"

"get back here, you ninnyhammer!"

"what the fck, oh sehun?! can you be a little cooler with the insults!"

"that is cool, mind you!"


"i still don't get why you're my seat partner." sehun frowns when yixing sits next to him. the taller won't stop bickering with the black haired, and the latter won't stop firing remarks at him.

"i still don't get why you exist." yixing gets a kick on the shin at that from the younger. "yah! i'm your hyung! you should respect me." yixing cross his arms across his chest, lips forming a frown that looks adorable from anyone's eyes except for oh sehun who's still in denial. his mind is set that none of zhang yixing's body part of his attitude is attractive. none.

"pft– hyung? yeah right." sehun rolls his eyes, receiving a hit on his arm from the chinese. "yah! stop will you?"

"you kicked me first!"

"you deserved it."

"you deserved it too!"

"oh sehun! zhang yixing! detention!" yixing widen his eyes in horror when he realized his name was being called for detention. his mouth was parting, a sign he was about to say something but got cut off by their teacher. "no buts!"


"thanks, sehun." yixing sassily remarked, a scowl gracing his face. they were in the detention room, the teacher who was assigned to watch over them is nowhere to be find. in return they have to write three pages full of 'i'm sorry for being loud in class and i won't do it again' and have to finish it today.

"stop blaming me!" sehun whines, throwing his eraser at the older. "it's your fault too you can't keep your hands off me."

yixing glares at the black haired, "i do not. you're the one who can't keep your eyes off me."

sehun returns his glare with the same intensity, "i do not."

"yeah, yeah, sure."

the two were enveloped in a silence after that. the weird thing is they enjoy each other's company even if they're both silent. the other's presence is enough for the other to feel content. the two keep on writing the words they have to write, no words escaping their lips. the only sound they can hear were the sound of their pencils against the paper and the sound of their breathing. the school was almost empty by now, the fact that it is very quiet says so.

and so under the orange sky, the two exchange no words but a small smile were on their faces.

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