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《 Dorian Gray 》

I stretched my fingertips and felt silk brush over them as I turned over in the bed.
My head pounded and the taste of smoke seemed stuck in the back of my throat.
I blinked my eyes open, carefully shielding them from the light that seemed to stream into the room.

My body ached and hurt as if I'd ran a thousand miles. I looked around the room, not recognising it.

Silver furniture decorated the room along with a full length mirror, opposite the bed.
I stared at my reflection. My hair was a mess and seemed to have black stuff through it.
My face didn't seem all the much better, it looked like I had been trying to climb a chimney.

I looked down at my hands, red and raw. "What the?" I asked, wondering what the hell happened.

My hands didn't hurt but they looked like they did. "Oh good, you're awake, you can have a shower because your putting soot all through my bed" another voice said from the doorway.

I didn't recognise that either and I looked over to see a rather sharp looking man with his hair flipped one way. He had the greenest eyes I had ever seen and he was ridiculously tall.

"Who are you?" I asked, immediately.

"What? No thanks for saving your life?" He asked, walking away from the doorway and into the room.

"Thank you" I said quickly.

He smirked but closed the curtains in the room. "The name is Dorian, Dorian Gray" he replied.

"As in the Dorian Gray? With the painting?" I asked, confused.

"Well I was the muse for that, yes but there's no painting involved, I'm just forever this hot" he replied, smirking.

"So you're a vampire?" I asked, tensing up.

"No, I'm fae, your mother sent me" he said, turning to look at me from the door he had walked to.

I scurried back into the headboard. "I'm a tracker, I find lost things and bring them back" he said, crossing his arms.

That's when I noticed his clothes. He had a sword strapped to his side and seemed right out of the medieval times. "Swords are no good in this day and age" I said.

Dorian's face lit up. "I beg to differ" He replied.

I swallowed. "So what does my mother want?" I asked.

"You and I both know you know the answer to that question, however I'm not taking you back to Faerieland, I'm here to gaurd you and make sure you ascend to her throne alive" he said.

"What if I don't want to do that" I sniped back.

"That's classified" he replied.

In other words, he would probably kill me. My mother wanted me on her throne and if she couldn't have that than I would die so I didn't end up on my father's.
"Now, if I were you, I'd go have a shower, you smell like a burnt forest" he said, wrinkling his nose.

He bent down next to the door and picked up a bunch of clothes and threw them onto the bed. "I found these here, use them" he said before turning on his heel and leaving the room.

I pushed the covers off my body and reached for the clothes, choosing a nice sweater and leggings. I spotted a dresser and walked over to it. Luckily, it was a woman's room and had the underwear I needed.

I picked it up and walked to the joining bathroom. I closed and locked the door, breathing heavily. I stared in the mirror, looking at my hands and I gripped my shirt, pulling it off slowly.

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