White Marble Heart

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Information you must know for the story: Kimi is my own character and not part of the video game. The point of view will be yours unless further notice. Language with not be appropriate for minors. If you do not appreciate inappropriate content, then please leave now. Do not report, as it would be unnecessary since this story is marked Mature. Another important short notice before I start writing. There are some people who have made requests, and I still have them written down. Unfortunately for some people, I am going in the order that I've written them down. So I deeply apologize to those who have been waiting a tremendous amount of time for their request. I promise I will get to them when I get the chance! I may have more time this time of year since summer vacation has just started for me, but I can't promise to get writing done. Regardless, I appreciate the patience, so thank you readers! For now, enjoy reading!

A few months ago... 

"You've never cared for me! You act like I'm the biggest priority in your life, but we both know that isn't true! I haven't spent any decent time with you in the last year, and when I get a small chance to have alone time with you, all you're talking about is that stupid fucking heart obsession of yours. I don't understand it's importance! You're perfect as you are! So why are you aiming for something so complicated when you could just..." 

I sighed in frustration, running my hand through my hair as I shifted my eyes away from him. I couldn't even dare to look him in the eyes. I was hurt for the hundredth time, and I was sick of it. 

"Y'know what, I'm done. I'm done with whatever the fuck you want to say we are. You never saw me as a priority. So much that we've never even been an official item. You say I'm special, and for a short time, I was gullible enough to believe it. But your actions never backed up your words. So I'm through with this. Don't ever talk to me again." 

I yelled at the top of my lungs as I slammed the door shut, running off to my car with tears flooding my eyes. 


I shifted around under the covers in my bed, forcing my heavy eye lids to crack open. The room was pitch black, making it difficult to guess what time it was. Sighing, I turned my head to take a glance at the digital clock on my night stand. 2:56 pm, huh? I thought to myself as I slowly sat myself up, my head pounding from the slight movement. I've been like this ever since that day. I loved him with all of my heart, but I did what was best for me. At least, I think so. It sure as hell doesn't feel like it though. 

My sleeping schedule has been all out of sorts, as well as my appetite. But is it really all that weird after having your heart broken? I don't think so. I yawned and rubbed my eyes as I got out of bed to grab a glass of water. I've slowly been recovering. A month ago, I wouldn't even bother to get out of bed at all, or eat even a bite of food. I was proud of myself for my progress of recovery, but I was also wondering how long it would take for me to completely be out of this slump. 

He probably doesn't even care anymore...

I shook my head and chugged down the water before heading back to my room to change out of my clothes. I refuse to let him make me like this any longer. The least I can do is go for a walk outside or something. Whatever I do, as long as I don't socialize with anyone. That always requires too much energy that I don't have. People are so complicated and needy. Always wanting to hang out and talk about life. I don't need other people. I'm fine on my own. 

I wish my peaceful morning lasted longer.

I flinched as I heard a knock on my door. My heart started to beat faster as the anxiety built up in my gut. For the first couple of weeks after that day, he consistently came to my apartment and tried to talk to me. And there were some days where some of my friends would try to contact me, but I never answered the door. They probably think I'm dead, if he hasn't told them the situation. I inch out of my room and look towards the door, hoping that if I wait long enough, they'll just leave. 

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