Black Rose

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Information you must know for the story: Kimi is my own character and not part of the video game. Language will not be appropriate for minors. If you do not appreciate inappropriate content, then please leave now. Do not report, as it would be unnecessary since this story is marked Mature. This story will be in your POV until stated otherwise. This is a Requested Xemnas/Terranort story. 

My eyes widened as tears started to overflow, falling down my face. I glanced at Kimi, who looked dejected as she nods, not being able to look at me in the face. I fall to my knees, looking up at his face, into his eyes. There was no trace, no sign that he was the same brother I knew before. But his face was the same as I always loved, even if his eyes were no longer the same. "T-Terra..." My voice cracks as I weakly speak, more tears falling. I look down at his shoes as I sob, Kimi kneeling next to me, rubbing my back. "I am not this person who you call Terra." He speaks as he looks down at me, kneeling down as well. I shake my head, hugging myself tightly. "You used to be! Terra promised me when Xehanort took over him that he would be able to revert back and come back to me! There's no way you're my Terra! Bring Terra back to me!" I screamed as I sobbed more, not looking back at his face. I couldn't. It hurt too much to see his face. It resembled Terra too much. I was being in denial, and I knew it. But I didn't want to believe that my beloved Terra was gone forever. Kimi continues to rub her back, glancing between Xemnas and I. 

"I'm sorry, _____... This is the closest you can get to Terra. Xemnas- Er... Terra's nobody is all that is left of Terra." Kimi whispers, trying to be as gentle as she can with me. She looks up at Xemnas and nudges him, trying to get him to say something. Xemnas sighs and looks back down at me once more, still kneeling in front of me. "I'm not your brother anymore, but I promise I'll still be here for you and support you when need be, _____." He places his hand gently on my head, patting it. My eyes widen, flashing back to the times when Terra used to pat my head just as Xemnas did. I tackle Xemnas in a hug, all of the tears flowing freely as I sobbed loudly.


I woke up in a dark room, the light from the sun creeping through the curtains. I yawned and sat up, stretching. The same dream I've had ever since he came back into my life. I think to myself as I toss my blankets off. I look down at my outfit and realize I'm only wearing an over-sized t-shirt and underwear. I shrug and leave my room, rubbing my eyes as I walk to the kitchen. Xemnas sits in the living room, watching TV. I glance at him and look away quickly, blushing. He was shirtless, as he was every morning when he just finished working out, but I was never able to get used to it. To resume our lives as brother and sister, even though Xemnas was no longer Terra, he lived with me and it was if all was normal. Despite Xemnas saying he wasn't Terra anymore, he had the same habits Terra did. Protective, an early bird, always calm and cool. I didn't care what anyone else thought about it, I was in love with Terra when he was with me, and I knew he loved me too. Many people saw something wrong with it, but Kimi was the first to not care about it and still managed to be friends with me. 

I came to terms that Xemnas was Terra's nobody, and after he started living with me, it took some time, but I came to enjoy Xemnas' presence. He couldn't replace Terra, but he was pretty damn close, and I was happy with it. But then, why do I still keep having the dreams? Is there something in my heart that hasn't been revealed to me yet? I think to myself as I finish making some eggs and bacon. I push the thoughts away as I put the food on a plate and walk over to the living room, sitting next to Xemnas. I notice him quickly glance at my outfit before immediately looking back at the TV, seemingly unfazed. I smile as I place the plate on the coffee table before leaning back as I nibble on some bacon. "Want some Xemmie?" I smirk as he had already taken a bright of some bacon. His eyes widens as he coughs, nearly choking on the bacon. "H-Hey, I told you to stop calling me that." He frowns as he gets up to get some water. I chuckle and follow him, leaning over the counter as I fake a pout. "Aww, but why? I think it's a cute nickname!" Xemnas chuckles and shakes his head, chugging down his glass of water before refilling it.

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