Cogs Wheel Keychain

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Information you must know for the story: Kimi is my own character and not part of the video game. Language with not be appropriate for minors. If you do not appreciate inappropriate content, then please leave now. Do not report, as it would be unnecessary since this story is marked Mature.  It will be in Second person POV until further notice.

He was so precious. The most innocent little child with the brightest and most contagious smile. His eyes glistened with joy when he smiled, and still sparkled even when he was sad. That was the Vanitas you knew; The Vanitas you knew 15 years ago. 

As the years passed on, that smile of pure innocence turned into a smile that defined asshole. 

He mixed himself up with the wrong people in middle school, ones he thought were just 'soo cool,' as he told you before you both stopped staying in touch. You've known him since you were children; you were best friends since you were children. Nothing ripped you guys apart, really. He wasn't an asshole to you, and nothing ever happened to make you hate each other.  Time just grew you two apart, and you hung out with different people. The smile you once saw on his face has been long gone. 

Now he's just a jerk to everyone. He was literally known as the bad boy many girls gushed over in high school. They all knew he was only trouble, and yet still bawled their eyes out when they were rejected or dumped by him. You don't speak to each other very much anymore, but when you do... It's so different. 

Not different as in comparing himself between his past and present. But it's like he has a totally different personality around you. 

You were his soft spot. 

But of course, you didn't know that. You were simply confused when he treated you sweetly, and immediately was a jerk to the next person he saw. You didn't consider yourself special for it; you just thought that maybe he was biased since you two were childhood friends. 

He became a huge flirt as well. Everyone knew he had great looks. He always used it to his advantage though. Flirting with every girl that gushes with him; usually only to get into their pants. It's a wonder how he hasn't been expelled yet.

No one was ever able to choose between the two most handsome and popular guys in high school: Vanitas and Sora. It was weird though; it was like you were the only one to think they had the same face. And yet, despite the same face, you favored Vanitas' more. You didn't know why. 

Living up to his flirtatious title, he flirted with you too. But, in a different way. Sure, it was still sexual. Though, you couldn't help but feel it was different compared to his flirting style with other girls. You felt as if it had more sentiment behind it; more care and softness to it. You always figured it was just all in your head. 

This connection he had with you continued to grow very subtly. The distance that grew between you two started to shorten as he tied a rope around you and made a slow climb towards you. For your Senior Gradnite in high school, the school was nice enough to allow the seniors to choose their partner and let them stay at the Disney Hotel for 3 nights, and grant them access to both Disney Land, and California Adventure. Before you were even able to choose your own partner, Vanitas already wrote in that you were his partner and submitted it to the office. 

You wondered why there were no rules against students of opposite genders rooming together. But it quickly left your mind when you and Vanitas arrived at the hotel. You weren't sure about Vanitas' intentions during those days you spent together, but they were oddly pure as nothing inappropriate happened. You didn't mind spending all of this time with him though. It was like going back to the old days, when you and him were so close. It was the only time you ever saw his innocent smile again. 

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