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Information you must know for the story: Kimi is my own character and not part of the video game. Language will not be appropriate for minors. If you do not appreciate inappropriate content, then please leave now. Do not report, as it would be unnecessary since this story is marked Mature. This story will be in your POV until stated otherwise. 

I straighten out my clothes as I leave my car, taking a hold of my bag shortly after. After closing my car door and locking it, I walk inside the library, taking a glance at the librarian before walking over and bowing slightly in respect of her Japanese ethnicity. "Ohayō gozaimasu, Tanaka-san. Ogenkidesuka?" (Good morning, Tanaka. How are you?) I speak after I stand right back up. She looks towards me and returns the bow, smiling slightly as she responds. " I am doing good, _____-san. And it sounds like your Japanese is improving very well. How is my English?" She smiles proudly. I smile widely, noticing how much practice she was putting in to improving her English, just as I was learning Japanese. "You're sounding very good, Tanaka-san! Your accent's strength has lessened, and it's easier for others to understand you better now. It seems like tutoring each other is proving to be very successful." She smiles and nods before turning to help someone search for a book. I turn away from the desk and hold onto my bag tightly. "It was nice talking to you again, Tanaka-san. Hope you have a great day." She waves at me as I walk away, heading towards vacant tables near the large windows. 

I came to the library bi-weekly as a way to have some down time for myself. I enjoyed teaching myself new things, and while I was very proficient in the use of technology, I was very fond of reading and researching things the old way. For today though, I decided to use the quiet atmosphere of the library to catch up on some drawing I've been doing. I sat at a table with perfect lighting and pulled out my sketchbook and materials, shuffling to a new page in my sketchbook. I glanced around the library, trying to find something to draw. As I looked around, I noticed him sitting a few tables away from me, nose buried in a book. I smiled, observing the details in his seated position and the lighting. He came to the library during the same times I did, and while we don't associate very often, I sometimes had the feeling the similarities in our schedule was not a simple coincidence. 

I bit my lip as I picked up my pencil, starting to draw him reading. It was perfect after all. The way his hair swooped down, the way the lighting caressed his skin gently and not harshly. It was the perfect opportunity to try out my abilities with color pencils as well. As some time passed, I was really glad I chose him as my muse. He didn't move very often, and when it was, it was only to turn the page. It made it easier to draw him out, since he didn't constantly change the position he was sitting in. After cleaning my sketch, I turned the page and started a new one; one that was going to be strictly colored and no trace of lead pencils. I was fairly used to drawing with lines, and since real life didn't have black outlines, I wanted to practice drawing more realistically.

I shifted between color pencils as I constantly looked up, trying to match the colors he displayed. I paused and went to the back of my sketchbook, tearing out a page to use as testing paper. I scribbled on the paper, blending certain colors together as I tried to get the perfect color for his hair. I bit my lip as I greatly concentrated on my coloring and finding the right colors. I constantly glanced up at him. He's definitely a gorgeous one... Just look at his sculptured face, the color of his hair, his vibrant blue eyes. I thought to myself as I continued drawing. I scrunched up my nose as I continued testing colors. "I can't get the right color for the highlights of his amazing skin..." I whispered to myself as I tested multiple shades of brown and orange. I glance back up and notice he disappeared. I gasped and looked around, trying to find him, only to jump as he speaks behind me. 

"Is that supposed to be me?" He speaks softly, leaning over my shoulder. I slam my book shut in embarrassment as I shove my coloring pencils into my bag, turning around. "No! I-I mean, yes but- I.." I sigh, holding tightly onto my bag. "I'm sorry, I really should have asked for permission before I started drawing you. But the lighting and the way you were positioned, it was just a perfect moment for me to practice my skills, and if I asked, you might have been weirded out, or maybe moved around and-" He interrupts as he moves around, sitting in the seat across from me. "Can I see the drawing again?" I pause as I look at him. He watches me gently as he waits for an answer, not seeming angry or upset at all. I blush slightly and look away, going into my bag as I pull out my sketchbook. "Y-Yeah..." I mumble as I flip to the page, pushing it towards him across the table. He takes the sketchbook and examines it carefully, looking at it from many angles. "Your art skills are quite extraordinary. You seemed to have gotten all of the shading and high lights right on point. I like your experimentation of cross-hatching in this section on your sketch version, and your blending is remarkable. Your use of chiaroscuro is professional-like, and the perspective and depth is very realistic. It's an interesting take on how you drew me. You must be a very observant person to be able to take the smallest of details and execute them skillfully on paper. It really looks as if you've taken a picture." He compliments, not taking his eyes off the drawing. I smiled shyly as I couldn't help but feel proud of myself for the drawing. I was also impressed with how much he knew about art. 

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