Paper with an X

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Information you must know for the story: Kimi is my own character and not part of the video game. Language will not be appropriate for minors. If you do not appreciate inappropriate content, then please leave now. Do not report, as it would be unnecessary since this story is marked Mature. This story is written in your POV unless stated otherwise.

I've just moved into the neighborhood about a year ago, and while I'm still rather new with the area, I'm very familiar with the people who live here now. Moving into the area was difficult though as I'm very young for someone who is starting their life alone. However, everyone was very kind to me and so caring. They all helped me move in and get a hang of things by informing me about things, like where are some of the most important locations in town. 

I especially became best friends with Kimi, who happens to live next door to me. It's always amusing being friends with her because she's constantly throwing parties. Not that I'm complaining; those parties are what helped me get to know everyone in the area and eventually become friends with them! I'm friends with everyone! Well, everyone except this one guy. It's not that I don't like him. He's just a very intimidating person. He's never spoken to me, even when I once mustered up the courage to say hi to him at one of Kimi's parties.

All he did was look down on me and stare at me for a few seconds before walking off. It was very strange, and while I didn't like that my first opinion of the guy was intimidating, every other time I've tried to interact with him, he would brush me off. I immediately assumed he didn't like me, so I stopped trying. That went well, until several months ago. While I was at one of Kimi's parties, I left to go to the kitchen to grab a drink and he was there, getting a drink for himself. I did nothing but smile at him as I grabbed a drink for myself, but as I turned around, he placed his hand on my shoulder and spoke. "_____, right?" were the only words I've ever heard him speak.

Before I was even able to nod my head a second time, he was gone. Our interactions grew since that day, but not by much. He was a very quiet man, and it seemed his way of saying 'hi' was by touching on a random part of my upper body. One day he would place his hand on my shoulder, another day it would be on top of my head due to height difference, another day he would poke my arm. I didn't mind it; I appreciated the efforts he spent to communicate with me even if he didn't speak. Most of the time, I would smile and wave back at him. 

Other times, if I were alone with him, I would start a  conversation with him, since nodding and shaking his head would be the only answers I get from him. Eventually I became very fond of the conversations we have, even though I did all of the talking. I felt a deep connection with him and I genuinely enjoyed spending time with him. Gradually, the small touches became more affectionate. It became hugs from behind as he placed his chin on my head, and even kisses on the back of my hand as he knelt down. I never was able to understand what triggered this transition, but no matter what type of communication he did, it was always when we were alone together. However, one day, he stopped showing up. No one knew where he went, or where he lived. He had no ways of contacting him. He just disappeared, and I couldn't be any more upset. Still, I didn't let that interrupt my days with my friends, so I just believed that he would show up again one day. 


I was hanging out in my living room, the TV on a marathon of Marvel movies as I doing yoga on the floor.  I eventually slowed my stretch to a stop before sitting on the floor with my legs crossed, taking a deep breath. My mind started to wander off again. It's been happening more often lately. He enters my train of thought, and although I've only heard it once, his voice rang in my ears, constantly sending shivers in my back. As I continued to think about him, there was a knock on my door. I jumped as I was startled from the sudden noise and rushed to answer it, thinking it was him. Only, it was Kimi, Namine, Kairi, Xion, Olette, and Aqua. Kimi smiled brightly, holding up blankets and snacks. "Hey, _____!" 

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