Chapter 13: Remember Me...

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Get ready.... Here it comes.... The finale chapter...

"Zzz....... *snore* Zzz...... *snore* Hmm.... Uhhh... W-what?..." Valt slowly wakes up and open his eyes. He was in his hotel room.
"My head...." Valt gets up and teach his aching head.
"What happen?" He looks around and can't remember, Valt gets out of bed and notice his hotel room's keys were on the door knob.
"How this get there?" He walk up to the door and gets his keys.
"Why was this here? Valt question to himself and looks at the keys on his hand.
"Keys.................. Key................... Key.................. Key................. K-key.......... Keysh.......... Keyshi............ Keyshi..... Keyshi... KEYSHI!" Valt remember everything know. Keyshi was gone forever.
"Keyshi!!!" He looked around his hotel room to find Keyshi to see if it's really not true. Not true that Keyshi disappeared.
"Keyshi!! Come on, Keyshi! You didn't really disappear?! *sob* You must be joking? You always joke around... *sob* You can't be really gone, Keysh..." Valt can't find him anywhere.
"Keysh, *sob* this... This isn't funny Keysh... *sob* Keysh?..." He stop looking and gave up.
"Keysh!?" *pant* *pant* *sob* *sob* *sob* *sob* Valt sit down next to the side of the bed crying and hugging his knees.
"Y-you're really are gone, Keyshi..." *sob* *sob* He cries his eyes out but he didn't notice there was a small box under his bed showing from the edge that can be easily seen.
*sob* *sob* *sob* "Huh, what this?" *sniff* Valt sniff and wipes his tears away. He grabs it and look at it.
"A box?" Valt question to himself and open the small box. 
*Gasp* He was speechless what his seeing in front of his eyes. Valt was seeing Keyshi's ninja jacket and put it on but it was too big for him but he loves it anyway.
"Hm?" Valt see other stuff in the box. Their was ramen recipe, a picture, a fold up note, headphones, tapes and a tape recorder. He unfold the note first and reads it.

"You're a special person, Yūjin.~"

P.S. Look outside.

"Keyshi............." Valt smile and tears were on his cheeks.
"Look outside???" He was confused at that part so he gets up and look at the window.

"Look outside???" He was confused at that part so he gets up and look at the window

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"Uh! Wooooooooooooow........ Keyshi.~" Valt smile softly as little tears drip down on his eyes. He open the window feeling the small breeze on his hair and face and look at the stars.
"I wonder what's the tape recorder for?" Valt go get the small box and get the tape recorder seeing two tapes. Their was a tape say; Play me first.
Valt put the first tape in the tape recorder and put some headphone on and press play.

"..................................Hey, Valt.~"

"Uh!" Valt flinch and his eyes widened it was Keyshi's voice.

"You may or may not remember me when you find or hear this. But I'm going to do this anyway."

Valt listen...

*Inhale* *Exhale* "Ok... Uh- Hahahahaha!!!! Sorry, I stuttered. I didn't know what to say?~"

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