The Balcony Guy

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Jungkook's POV

I was worried about her. Bri. She tried to avoid the dodgeball and successfully did but landed wrongly and fell on her back. I felt like a magnet was pulling me toward her and ran to her side. She was moving her head from side to side, but stopped when she met my eyes. I saw her eyes start to close.

"Give her space", Coach yelled at us.

"Take her to the nurse", Amy said.

I picked Bri up bridal style and carried her through the hallways to the nurse's office. I felt so worried as she laid there so still. The nurse told me she just needed to rest and stay off her left foot. She had sprained her ankle from the land- and she just needed a good rest for her back. I asked the nurse if I could stay with her for the rest of the day and she said agreed. I sat by Bri's side never leaving. She looked so cute when she slept.

She curls up in a ball like a kitten how cute.

I realized I was liking being around her and rethought my career thoroughly. Then Bri woke up yelling. I covered her mouth until she looked at me and through my hand away.


His hand was on my mouth. I had no thoughts but to throw his hand away and collapse back onto the table. He tilted his head at me like a puppy.


"What happened? Why did you scream?", He asked me. He was worried and I felt happy at that.

"Honestly it's probably because school stresses me out way too much", I replied. He smiled and held his head to the ground. He started texting someone and was happy when he got a response.

I got a text message from Amy.

Amy: Bri! I am so sorry but I have to go to Maine for a week to see my cousin. Leaving now sissy!

I huffed at that message.

"Bri, since you can't walk home. One of my hyungs will drive us. Ok?", he asked.

I nodded yes and he was thrilled.

"Bri, why do you look sad?", he asked.

"Because Jungkook, Amy is leaving me for a week. She's going to Maine to see her cousin so I'll be home alone, again", I responded. He looked worried again.

"Again?" he asked.

"She always leaves at random times. She has family all over the country and sometimes I go in place of her," i replied.

"You can't be by yourself! Your ankle is sprained.", he said.

I loved how much he cared, but there was nothing I could do.

"How about I stay with you?" he asked.

"You have school Jungkook", I replied with a giggle.

"How about one of my hyungs stays with you?", he suggested.

I nodded knowing he would never left me stay alone. The bell rung and I waited for the halls to clear. I hopped off the table and hopped to the door. Jungkook appeared in the doorway. He shook his head at me and carried me down the hall. In the front of the school a car was parked. Jimin! That guy was there. He watched as Jungkook put me in the car slowly. Every now and then while driving, Jimin would look back at me. I smiled.

What! Jimin is cute! He's a mochi!

We stopped outside the building and I opened my door and stood up. I balanced myself and started walking toward the elevator. That's when I felt someone scoop me up into their arms. I turned to see Jungkook, but it was Jimin who had picked me up. I held onto him and put my head against his chest.

Jimin's POV

This girl was pretty and as cute as heaven. I saw her walking toward the elevator before Jungkook so I got out and ran to her and picked her up. She put her head against my chest and I started turning pink. Jungkook looked a bit disappointed, but he didn't mind me helping. I looked down at her as she fell asleep in my arms. I started turning red, but stopped before Jungkook saw me. The elevator opened and I saw the girl waking up. I set her down slowly and let her steady herself. She held my hand and bent down to her mat to get her key. Jungkook took the key from her.

"Kookie", she whined.

Kookie? Were they dating?

"Bri you have to have someone with you, but first I want you to meet all of my hyungs personally", Jungkook told her as he put his arm around her shoulders.

He does like her! He clearly doesn't care about other females like her. But they aren't dating. Otherwise Jungkook would have no self control over putting his arm on her waist. Ay! This kid. We are too alike.

She huffed cutely as I opened our apartment door.

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