The Run

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Bri's POV

She didn't follow me, so she's not coming. That sucks. I carried both swords to the car and saw someone had cut the wire in the engine and my car wouldn't start. I sighed and carried the swords home. River had left. I placed Amy's on her bed and mine in a bag, along with some other stuff. I grabbed a backpack and packed clothes, money, and other essentials. I closed the door to the apartment.

"Goodbye Bangtan and Amy."

I got in the elevator and it stopped all of a sudden. It started filling with smoke and I couldn't breathe. I took my phone and typed a code message.

' Smoke to me as I leave, trapped somewhere in the future.'

Very soon I passed out.

 Amy's POV

I can't believe I let her leave. I saw her car still here and I went to go check it. The wire had been cut, so she walked home? Wait, she's training again. Is she back at the agency? No, no, no. I need to save her, she could be in trouble. I ran with Bangtan running behind me.

"AMY!", They yelled. I rushed into the apartment and noticed some of her stuff was gone.

"Amy. You. Run. Fast", they said stepping in the doorway.

"Wait, where's River?", I said searching the apartment. Not here? Bri's missing? He suddenly shows up? I called him. It said his phone was disconnected. I called Bri's phone and I heard her ringtone outside. It was in the elevator and I unlocked it.

'Smoke to me as I leave, trapped somewhere in the future'

She. Was. Kidnapped.

"Hyung, I have to make a call", Jungkook said stepping away. Suga walked to me and hugged me as I sobbed. I saw V looking jealous as he left.

She. Was. Kidnapped.

"Hyung, I have to make a call", Jungkook said stepping away. Suga walked to me and hugged me as I sobbed. I saw V looking jealous as he left.

Bri's POV

Tied to a chair, what a classic.

"Hello?", I asked. I saw someone walk up to me.

"M-mark?", my brother from years ago. I thought he died. He had died, I watched him die. Eric comforted me when he died. But here he stands.

"Sister", he purred.

 Amy's POV

Where did Jungkook go, where is V? WHAT THE HELL?!?!?

"They took her to a warehouse not far from here", Jungkook said closing his phone.

I didn't question him, I just wanted my best friend back. We all got in the car, Suga holding my hand and Jin holding my shoulders. In my right hand, I held my blade. This meant war.

 Bri's POV

"So sis, what's up?", he said sitting in front of me.

"It is not possible, but how?", I asked looking up at him. He held my chin and then dropping his head to me.

"I faked my death, for money. What else?", he said laughing.

"You mother-", he slapped me.

"My dongsaeng should not curse", he said.

"Yah, you said you were not gonna hurt her". River?

"Quite pabo. I only need to get to her best friend. I took her to do this. They were once top agents, diminishing them means I will be on top!", Mark yelled. So he wants to kill us?

"My sister, you took away a lot from me, when you killed that criminal few years ago. That was my girlfriend. So now I will kill Amy and leave you with many bruises", Mark laughed.

"Try me," I challenged him. He slapped me again.

Jungkook's POV

We tracked her to a warehouse (thanks to my grateful friend who owed me a favor).When we got there we heard laughing inside.

"Hello sister", we heard. This kidnapper..... Is Bri's brother? Amy burst through the door with her switchblade. Each of us also had a blade for protection. We stopped halfway.

"River?", Amy said with hurt on her words.

"Amy, I'm so sorry. I didn't know", River said.

"That just means one more dead body", Amy said while laughing. Suga and I exchanged glances. Amy charged at Bri's brother, while I headed for Bri. I untied her, but saw River coming at me with a pipe. I took Bri to the side and dodged the pipe. I saw Jimin come at River and he stabbed him. Bri started to cry, it was her best friend. I saw Amy dealing it out with Bri's brother and the others standing there not knowing what to do. "Give me your blade."

 Bri's POV

Why did they come?

"Give me your blade", I told him. He gave it and I walked over to the fight. Amy fell back, but I caught her. We stood side by side with Mark on the other side.

"Perfect, two birds one stone", Mark hummed.

"Mark, I thought you were dead", Amy said.

"Thought, sweetheart. But I'm alive!", he pondered. Alive. Alive. The boys! But should we kill Mark? I'm so distressed over River. I heard a gunshot. I moved fast, but not fast enough to fully be out of shot. Mark had shot at Amy, but I pushed her out of the way. The bullet grazed my left cheek leaving a streamed of blood. I fell to the ground, but stood back up with the sword in my hand.

"It's one thing to go after me, but to go after my friends is a whole other ball game", I said to him.

"So, what are you going to do? Kill me? I am your brother after all", he snickered. I came at him but he dodged and pushed me to the ground. I swept his feet causing him to fall. I held the gun and pinned him to the floor.

"Killing you would be too easy. I'm going to make you suffer, but just so you don't get away", I shot both his knees and his right arm. I took out my jacket and tied his wounds so he wouldn't bleed out. I got off him and threw the gun into the corner.

" Bri!", Amy ran to me and hugged me tight. We walked over to River and I sighed. Bending down to look at him, I felt weird. He was my first love and my best friend. Now, he was my enemy. He deserved this, I hope God judges him well.

"Bri!!!", Bangtan ran to me and I smiled at them.

"Someone call 911, would ya? They gotta get that bastard," I said with a chuckle. Jungkook engulfed me in a hug and Amy hugged V.

We had a tight group hug and went home.....


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