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Amy's POV

That bitch spilled coffee on my best friend to make her feel worse. IMMA KILL HER.

"You damn BITCH! Just wait you're dead", I said running at her. Namjoon caught me and placed me by V. They held me back while I was in all my anger, but they were having a lot of trouble. River dragged Rose out of the room. And Suga closed the door before I could go after them.

"Stop it", he said looking into my eyes.

"THAT BITCHY WHORE MADE MY BEST FRIEND GO INTO A SECOND PAIN COMA. NO WAY IS SHE-", I stopped when Suga hugged me suddenly. I felt weird and could feel V staring at us. I calmed down for no reason and cried in his arms as the nurses rushed in to see Bri.

River's POV

I got Rose out before Amy could kill her. I took her around the corner and released my grasp on her wrist.

"Why did you do that?!?", I yelled very loudly.

"It was an accident", she replied with a sad face.

"I DON'T THINK IT WAS", I yelled. She cried, but they were fake tears. She never cried when my parents left me. And she played me. I had a feeling before but after seeing her cheating on me, I don't know why I was still with her.

"M-mochi", she said. Mochi? She has no right. That's what Bri and only Bri calls me. This is all just Fake Love.

"It's over", I said walking away.

"You'll regret it", she yelled.

Bri's POV

Once again awakening, I saw BTS sleeping on the couch in my room. Jungkook was holding my left hand and Amy was holding my right hand They both looked miserable and had tear stains on their faces. I gentle shook both of them. They both woke up and looked at me with wide eyes. They hugged me and I could feel their ribs, were they not eating? The rest of BTS woke up and surrounded my bed.

"Can someone order some food? I'm kind of hungry", I said quietly.

"ON IT!", Jin said running out the door with Namjoon and V following. That left Jungkook, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, and Amy with me. I saw my leg had healed nicely.

"So how long was I out in total?", I asked slowly. Everyone exchanged nervous glances.

"Let's just say you have a right to be starving", Jimin said laughing a bit to cheer me up.

"1 month", J-Hope bluntly said. Amy hit him and he winced in pain.

"YOU TWO HAVEN'T BEEN EATING FOR A MONTH!", I yelled at Amy and Jungkook pulling their ears.

" Ow, ow, ow", Amy and Jungkook said while hearing their pain.

 "When the food gets here, you better pig out", I told them. I let them go as they held their ears in pain.

"Food is here!", Jin said showing Namjoon and V holding bags of food.

"That was fast," Suga commented.

We ate and everything was better again. I got to go home that day, or more importantly just to BTS apartment. I heard a knock on the door, so I answered it. I saw River with tear stains and a suitcase. He hugged me as I was frozen in the doorway.

"Who was it?", Amy says looking from the couch. Amy gasped as she pushed all of curious Bangtan back to the living room. River let me go of the hug.

"I'm sorry", he quietly said tears still streaming down his face. I wiped his tears and cupped his face.

"It's not an issue, I'm fine now", I told him.

"But it was my mistake", he said sadly. I grabbed a coat beside me at hit him so many times.

"HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU NOT TO BE SAD?!?!", I yelled. He laughed and I smiled. Him being happy made me happy. Oops y'all don't know! He was my first love. We broke up because of school and now we're best friends. I've helped him through everything.

"Yah! Jinja?", he said.

"When did you learn Korean?", Amy said coming towards us.

I pulled River into a headlock as BTS stared at us. I let him go as I blushed at our childish behavior.

"This is River! My-".

"He's the guy with the coffee spilling girlfriend", Jungkook muttered angrily.

"Ex-girlfriend", River corrected him.

"DOES IT MATTER!?!", Jimin yelled at him. J-Hope marched up to him and lifted him off the ground by the collar of his shirt. I couldn't do anything to stop them, even Amy was scared.

"YOUR DAMN GIRL, ALMOST KILLED OURS.", he yelled. Amy ran to hug me for comfort but I was already walking up to J-Hope.

"Put him down", my voice still enough to kill. J-Hope looked at me and then at Amy's alarmed face. I was never like this, unless it was ultimately important - Amy knew that. J-Hope lowered River to the ground. Bangtan looked at me, with scared and confused faces. I took River by the wrist and dragged him to our apartment next door.

Amy's POV

She had only been that scary when I was bullied in school. She pulled out all resources on those kids, it was really scary. But now, she did it for River. That means she still cares. Of course she does, we are all best friends since middle school. Everyone looked at me.

"Don't ever blame her friends or family for anything they didn't do. That was the tip of her anger, there's more you don't know. It's not my story to tell, but don't make anything worse than it already is", I sighed walking to my apartment. I saw Bri standing by the balcony and River sitting on the couch, head between his hands. Bri had a switchblade in her hands. Only River and I knew when she was little she was trained as an agent in a government facility, but we didn't know she still trained in private. I watched her pocket the switchblade and grab her car keys.

"Bri....", I spoke catching her attention.

"You still train?", I asked.

"Only when I need to blow off steam", she replied.

"Do you have our swords in the car?", I asked. Back when she was an agent, I sparred with her using our own swords. Mine had a blue grip, while hers had a red grip. Water and Fire. She nodded.

"Let's go", I said taking her to the door.

"Stay here, and don't go anywhere or open the door", I told River.

I knocked next door and told V, that we were gonna go to the park for a while.

We got to a secret spot of ours by the water and drew our swords. We clashed as it grew intense and then I watched her practice on her own. She sliced the air with grace. She was the ace of the academy. She still is, while I am a bit rusty for being a couch potato. She started to teach me some techniques she had come up on her own.


It was Bangtan. I slowly turned as Bri stood next to me. Our swords still in our hands. Then Bri brought the sword cases and we put our swords away.

"What do you want?", Bri asked coldly as she looked at each one intently.

"What was that about?", Jin said stepping forward holding Bri's wrists before I could distance him.

"Jin that's a -"

Bri flipped him onto the ground and stared at Jin as the other members rushed to him.

"Bad idea", I finished. Bri looked at me with a 'see-you-in-the-car' look and left.

"WHAT THE HELL BRI?!?", J-Hope yelled. Bri stopped dead in her tracks and turned for a slight second.

"Have fun, I'm leaving for good", she replied walking off. I had to choose to talk to Bri or stay with Bangtan. I stayed with Bangtan.

"It's a long story", I sighed as I helped Jin up.

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