1. I decapitated the virgin Maria

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POV Karma
Well, I did it again. I'm sitting outside the head nuns' office for the third time this month. The echoes of my foot tapping the floor go through the empty halls of the orphanage. I keep biting my under lip and tap the floor as an attempt to calm myself. I don't even know how I get myself in these situations, it happens on its own. Not only that, but I hear the squeaking sound of a door and look behind. There stood the head nun in her black robes, she looked at me as if I was Satan himself. Her face is so wrinkled I can't see her facial expression.

"Come in child, the nun said with a calm voice that somehow sounds terrifying. I walk inside her office and took a seat in front of her desk. She locks the door and the sound of her closing the curtains gave me a chill running down my spine. I look at my lap while the old nun makes her way behind her desk, how does she manage to make me so nervous with such a voice. I look up and try to show no fear.

"Tell me what you did this time," she demanded. She knows what I 'did' she was there when it happened.

"While I was doing my morning prayers the head of the statue of the virgin Maria fell of," I confess to her mumbling. She nods her head.

"What did you pray?" She asks me this time more direct.

"To be honest I don't know. I was just thinking about leafing this place, " I mentally slapped myself, shut up.

"You were sitting in front so that the light of God could cure you but instead of thanking the lord you broke of Mother Maria's head. Without even touching it!!" It seems like she got angrier with every word that came out of her mouth.

"These things just happened. I don't know why, but it's out of my will, it's like magic, " I desperately try to explain to her but, of course, she doesn't want to hear any of it. She slams her hand on the table to stop the nonsense that came out of my mouth.

"The only power here is that of the lord! You will burn in Hell because you gave yourself to the devil!" She shouts. The old woman stood up and stormed to a nearby closet. I stare at her with fear, when mother Agatha is like this you know that it isn't good.

"I believe that God gave me the mission to let you see the light, " She opens the closet doors with force, her back was facing me. "I gave you so many opportunities," She grabbed her holy water and put it on her desk.

"But of course you fail me every time," She grabbed a middle length cross with Jesus Christ on it and put it next to the holy water.

"You're a mistake of this world. No wonder your whore of a mother called you Karma," She turns around. My eyes widened in horror as I see a black belt in her hands. Her amber orbs filled with determination.

"Give me your hands, Karma Potter,"
The punishment session begins.


I stare horrified at my hands who are under the open scars and blood. The only thing I feel is pain. With my fingertips, I try to open the water tap. Carefully turning the knob around, flinching a few times when I feel the pain shooting through my tender fingers. When I managed to open it, I put my hands under the stream of water. I bite my tongue so that nobody can hear my cries of pain. It gets less and less painful by the minute. I look up at my reflection in the mirror my baby blue and brown eyes are red and puffy because of all the crying and my dark brown chocolate colored hair is oily and lifeless. Scanning my facial features I realize that I'm paler than normal. The light freckles on the bridge of my nose and cheeks are now more visible than before.

In the mirror I notice the boys and girls coming in, making sure to stay away from me. If the kids are in the bathroom that means it's around 18:00. I've missed dinner, OH well when you got beaten with a belt you kinda lose your appetite. After about five minutes I close the water stream and look closely at my hands. They stopped bleeding, but the wounds are still open. I turn around and walk to the exit while all the kids make sure to stay out of my way. I open the door leisurely. Again with my fingertips luckily this time I don't feel that much pain. The door made a creaking sound that echoed through the walls. I thought to myself that a nun would come at any minute and drag me to the bedroom. To my surprise, I saw that the coast was clear and ran while trying to make no sound at all to the sick-bay. Passing portraits off holy people and important biblical moments like the last meal, Jesus getting on the cross, etc, etc. Once I arrived in the room I knocked on the door regretting my decision afterward as my palms are still aching. The door swung open showing a young nun dressed in a black cloak, and she had tired sapphire eyes. She just had to look into my red puffy eyes to know what happened. The nun stepped aside letting me in. I sit on the medical bed as the nun takes care of my wounds. I stare at the blank wall ahead of me. We don't say anything to each other and I appreciate that.

The forgotten Potter ~ D.M.Where stories live. Discover now