4. My day in Diagon Ally

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Attention this is a long-ass chapter
Harry was on the night bus for hours now. Waiting to give the directions, he didn't get any sleep in the meantime. Stan had unfurled a copy of the Daily Prophet and was now reading with his tongue between his teeth. Two large photographs were shown on the front page one of a sunken-faced man with long, matted hair blinked slowly at Harry from the front page. And the other of a dull-looking woman, she looked slightly less scary than the man next to her. She also had long hair, but she didn't blink she was shaking. They looked strangely familiar.

'That man and woman!" Harry said, forgetting his troubles for a moment. "They were on the Muggle news!" Stanley turned to the front page and chuckle at the blank look on Harry's face before removing the front page and handing it to Harry.

"Sirius Black and Veronica Potter," He said, nodding. "Course they were on the Muggle news, Neville. Where have you been." Harry lied about his identity, being on the run and all.
He was told a few things about his estranged aunt by Hagrid and Professor Dumbledore, she was the younger sister of his father, she's a squib, lost a child at sixteen and is now locked up in prison for supposedly being a spy for Voldemort.

Stanley gasped at the paper in shock. "Ern, you ain't gonna' believe this. Tha daughter of Sirius Black is alive." He says. Ernie turns in his seat and looked Stan dead in the eye.

"The kid is alive?" He asked, not knowing if this was a joke or not. Stan nods then turn to Harry who he thought was Neville. " 'Oo' would've guessed, eee, Karma Potter is alive." Harry's world seemed to slow down at this point, he always believed his cousin died, turned out she didn't. For a moment he felt true happiness, but that quickly faded with the fact that her father is the infamous Sirius Black.

At Diagon Ally 6 days later
Karma POV
"It's so unreal to me that Harry has a cousin." Said Hermione out loud while casually liking her chocolate ice cream.

"Blimey Hermione, that's the third time you've said it!" Ron sneered at Hermione. I just met the buck teethed girl, and she was already annoying me. In the half-hour, we met she only talked about all the family heritage books she had read and never saw my name.

Both of them were bickering like an old married couple, and I was their child in the middle of it. "Shall we go to Gringrots next." I blurred out wanting to change the subject. "I still have to collect some money. Oh, and I need to get a wand!" Ron chuckles a bit at my excitement.

"You've got the keys so let's go now before it gets too crowded there." As we were ready to leave Hermione spotted someone very important.

"Harry! HARRY!" She yelled. The person turned around. He was a bit on the thinner side, had forest green eyes with thin glasses on his nose and messy black hair. We were all frantically waving at him. Harry grinned at Hermione and Ron as he hurried towards our table. Hermione, Ron and I stand up and walk towards Harry.

"Who's this?" Harry questions pointing at me. A smile crept up on my face. "Wow, not even a hello. I'm hurt, cousin." I reply. His face turns white, Ron chuckles and Hermione grins.

"The newspaper said that Karma Potter was found alive. It was too good to be..." He stops mid-sentence to embrace me in a tight hug. I hug him back, not wanting to let go. "True." He finishes. He let's go after a moment still holding me by the upper arms. "Do you have everything for Hogwarts?" He asks with excitement in his voice and a big smile on his face.

"I only need to go to Gringotts and buy a wand," I informed him. Hermione steps forward.

"Why don't you two go to Gringotts and Olivanders to catch up? Ron and I still want to try a few flavors. We see you two at the Magical Menagerie." She suggests. "I want an owl and Scabbers needs a check-up." Ads Hermione. We all agreed and went our own ways.

The forgotten Potter ~ D.M.Where stories live. Discover now