2. I swish a stick and set a table on fire

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Karma POV

We were scrubbing the stairs as if our lives depended on it, my hands felt cold and sore because of the cold water. There are 50 stairs for me and two other girls to clean, and we are currently at the tenth. It was all under dirt and hard to clean, the two twats weren't helping at all. They were just talking rubbish, scrubbing at the same time and get distracted by the smallest of things. I swipe a few greasy locks of hair off my face and scrub even harder. Occasionally I would look up to watch if anything interesting happens.

Normally I would get disappointed every time I peak. But the one time I looked up all of a sudden a big group of people stormed in the building and spread out, they were all wearing trench coats and hats. We stopped with what we were doing and glanced at each other in confusion. I stand up to get a better look at the intruders and lean against the wooden stair railing. Most of them were already gone when I looked except for two men and one woman stayed, they were discussing in an undertone, all I could catch was 'shut' and 'squib'. The woman eventually caught me staring and tapped the two-man in my direction. One man strolled my way with a stern face. He stopped in front of the railing and inspected me from head to toe. I just stared back at him determined of creeping him out. This went on for a few minutes until I couldn't take it anymore, so I spoke up.

"If you want to adopt you have to go to mother Agatha, sir," I informed the creepy man as innocently as my voice could bare.
He smirked as the creep he was and responded.

"I'm not here to adopt, darling. I'm afraid that your caretakers are under arrest."

As if on cue mother Agatha and the other nuns were pushed outside by a small bunch of people in trench coats. They looked mortified, it looked as if they were painted white and cold water was thrown on them. They didn't fight back or anything, it looked as if they were fearing for their lives. The men in trench coats held...sticks against their backs threateningly. And soon they left the orphanage and were never seen again.

Le time skip.

We were all mushed up on the benches in the dining hall, everyone was pushing the other to make more space. I myself elbowed the boys next to me in the ribs because they were too close to me. In return, they jerked my hair.

A loud whistle echoed the hall. All of us turned towards the sound. A tall bald man with a little beard and a big pointy nose was standing on the platform in front of a painting of angels. He looked at us with sympathy jet remained focused.

"Children, make a line and wait for your turn to swish with this stick." The man indicated to the stick in his hand. "And after your turn, you get rewarded with chocolate!"

With that statement, the children leaped out of their seats and were pushing each other to get the best place in the line. I didn't even get a chance to react when I realized I was standing at the end of the God damn line. I estimate that the line would be around three meters. Each kid gets less than a second to play with the stick and getting a chocolate bar handed to them. After 10 minutes of waiting and biting my nails, it was my turn. Walking up towards the man I felt sick in my stomach for no obvious reason. I slowly take the stick in my hand, jiggling it in my grip a little. This is stupid but worth the chocolate. I give it a quick loop.

Sudden high-pitched screams from behind me made me turn my head around in a flash to see the tables are on fire. I back away in shock letting the stick fall out of my hands in the process. The children were also backing away, most of them hysterically screaming. Few of them even burnt and one boy had his sweater on fire and was running around in utter panic. A pressure on my arm wakes me up in reality, it was the bald man holding my arm tight.

"Continue the examination and obliviate them afterward," he demanded in a hushed undertone to his colleagues. "Make the port key ready,"

A scrawny man hurried to us and placed a bucket on the ground. The bald man placed his foot in the bucket, and before I knew it we weren't in the dining hall anymore, nor the orphanage.

I fall on my knees, placing my hand over my mouth trying my hardest not to puke then and there. He grabbed me again by the arms and forcibly took me with him. Everything was going too fast, and I still wanted to throw up. With the few quick glances I took, I saw many fireplaces lined up with green fire flickering in it.

I didn't even notice anything when I realized I was sitting on an iron chair in front of a bunch of people in sort of judge clothing who was sitting on a higher platform.

"Minister, this is the first child of the squib orphanage to show any magical abilities." I look to my right side to see the bald man from before standing next to me, with one hand on the chair.

A man on the middle point of the court cleared his throat. "What is your name, girl?" He questions in a demanding voice. I look around me and saw many eyes staring at me, most of them in curiosity except one of them. He had light gray eyes and platinum blond hair tied in a ponytail. He glared at me with suspicion. "Can you speak English, child?" A grumpy voice spoke up in the room. I look back to see the "minister" glaring down at me.

"Yes," I respond feeling a little stupid, fumbling the end of my oversized white t-shirt. "Karma Potter. Mmy na-name is Karma Potter."

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