7. The sorting hat makes a decision

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My mind kept replaying Kimberly's words. Being confronted with my father's crimes was something I expected to happen of course.

I was looking around for Harry who I haven't seen for hours, with no avail.

"Firs' years this way!" ordered a loud voice. A gigantic man guided the first years to a different path to the lake. It was now a little less crowded.

I felt a hand on my shoulder pulling me back. I turn around to see Harry, he was pale and looked a little sickly. Hermione and Ron were standing next to him, they were also a bit on the pale side.

"How are you guys?" I asked. "Looks like you've seen a ghost, " I joked. Hermione rolled her eyes, apparently not being too fond of my timing.

"We were face to face with a dementor and Harry fainted, " she responded a little coldly. "And where were you? Ginny said you wondered off with some boy."

"Well after you guys left for your little meeting I bumped into this boy called Jason. He offered me to sit with him and his friends, I already lost Ginny so I figured why not, " I explained as a matter of fact as the four of us walked onto a rough mud track. They didn't want me with them it's their loss.

"And have you encountered a Dementor?" Asked Harry in concern.

"We had quite the scare, yes." I huffed out, flashes of the dementor went through my mind. "And I don't think any of us wants to talk about it."

We finally reached the stagecoaches, but there was no horse attached to it. I looked at the other carriages, none of them had a horse. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were already inside the carriage. Ron was snickering at my confused expression.

"Where are the horses?"
"Don't need them, Karma. Come in before we leave you here."

I do as he says, and quickly enter the stagecoach. Before I could close the door a loud voice shrieks. The shriek was so loud that the first thought that came through my mind was bloody murder. Far ahead I saw a boy running for his dear life towards our stagecoach at full speed.

"Shut the door, Karm-!" Ron was cut off by a boy literally lunging into the carriage. Luckily I was quick enough to move aside and shut the door. The carriage moved unexpectedly, I poke my head outside the window to see. The carriage moved by itself of course it does. This is the wizarding world, Karma.

"Bloody Hell, Cas!" Ron shouted at the boy who laid on the floor. The boy sat up, ignoring Ron who was glaring down at him. The boy was panting and puffing from his leap, covered with a thin layer of sweat. Ron and Hermione looked irritated at him, Harry, on the other hand, was grinning at the boy.

"Caspian! What have you done this time?" asked Harry in a joyous manner.

Cas looked up at Harry, he had a cocky smile plastered on his face. "Well...funny story." He snickers for a moment before he pulled himself together to tell his story. "I was walking the mud road with my sister when we bumped into Malfoy and his gang. One of them Vincent Crabbe, the ugly one started commenting on my sisters being fat. He just wouldn't shut up about it, so I did what was necessary." he got up and sat in between Ron and Hermione. "I stopped in front of him and said: your mother probably fucked the house-elf and that's why you are so fucking ugly."

"But he and the other boys didn't take that so well. That's when Crabbe and Goyle started chasing me." he finished his story. Harry, Ron and I couldn't help but laugh, Hermione tried to keep on her poker face, failing in the end.

"So, " Harry broke the silence after we recovered from our laughing fit. "In which house do you want to get sorted in?"

The four of them looked intrigued. I took a moment to think of my answer. In which house DO I want to get sorted?

"I guess any house will do, " I replied. "I mean in the end it doesn't matter, right?"

Hermione nodded in agreement." But each house has its own kind of people,"

"What kind of people?" I asked.

"Each house is a family with a bunch of people with somewhat the same ideals and skills, " Cas said. "I, for example, am a Ravenclaw and many people compliment me for my intelligence."

"Didn't you almost have to repeat second-year last year?" Hermione points out.

"YES! Almost." Cas cried out.

~Le time skip~
I stood behind all the first years as I was the last one to be called for the sorting. I fumbled with my plain robes to ease my nerves.


"BOOOOO" Was heard from the Gryffindor table.

I suddenly began to remember my time in the orphanage. The great hall remembered me of the dining hall in the orphanage. Only this hall made me feel safe and sound. The other only dread and misery.
There were only a few more left before it's my turn.
Please, God, anyone. Help me not to make a fool of me.

Professor McGonagall didn't even need to look on the list, she already knew it was my turn.
"Karma Potter"

The room went quiet. Only my footsteps and the whispers of the students were heard. I glance at Dumbledore before I sat on the chair. He gave me a reassuring smile, one that said that it's going to be okay. I sat on the chair and professor McGonagall places the sorting hat on my head.

Interesting indeed. Powerful. You have intelligence without a doubt, but not in a Ravenclaw way. You're loyal, but nowhere near as loyal as a Hufflepuff. Let's see. You are brave, yes. Ambition is in your veins. You come from a long line of Gryffindors and Slytherins. Which legacy are you going to follow?

I glanced at the Gryffindor table where the whole Gryffindor house, more importantly, Harry was waiting for me to join them. 

'I don't care about such a legacy. I feel neither a Potter nor a Black. I want to rise for myself. Make my own reputation.'

Then I see. You gave me an answer. It shall be... Slytherin!

This time no booing was heard

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