5.The Hogwarts express

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The journey to King's Cross was very uneventful, to say the least, I was with Mrs. Weasley and Ginny in the back seats while a ministry worker drove the car. This wasn't a normal car though, these could slide through gaps that normal cars certainly couldn't have managed. Molly was looking through the windows nervously while Ginny and I were casually talking about Hogwarts. I wasn't very into the conversation, I was busy staring at her. She's a lovely girl with an attitude, her smile made me weak in the knees, and she never fails to make me blush. But sadly it's obvious she's not into girls.

Ginny and I were on the same bed as we shared a room in the leaky cauldron. It was currently 1 AM and Molly ordered us to sleep hours ago. But we weren't tired, not at all. We talked about all sorts of topics and giggled about the tiniest things while trying our best not to wake the others. We stayed under the covers, we were close, our bare arms touched. Normally I would feel uncomfortable but not with her, I wasn't complaining.

"All right all right uhhmm." I thought for a good one, to get to know her better. "Would you rather? Kiss Harry in front of the whole school and getting laughed at afterward or being my girlfriend for the whole month." I asked her

"Kiss Harry of course!" she answered without skipping a beat, her eyes shined with happiness and she was smiling shyly. "No offence Karma but it's Harry Potter, the boy I've liked for two years now." she blushed at the last part not noticing my heart cracking at her confession.

After that, she only talked about Harry. It was obvious this crush of hers would last, so I just gave up on mine.

We reached Kings Cross with twenty minutes to spear; the Ministry drivers found us trolleys, unloaded our trunks, touched their hats to Mr. Weasley and drove away. I noticed that Arthur kept close to Harry and me all the way into the station.

"Right then, ' he said. "Let's do this in pairs, as there are so many of us. I'll go through first with Harry." Arthur strolled towards the barrier between platform nine and ten with Harry and his trolley. And the next moment they were gone.

"Karma it's your turn." said Molly. I place my trolley in front of the barrier, I glance at Hecate, my raven, for a second in her cage, she didn't like it for a second. Mrs. Weasley placed her hand on my shoulder. "It goes better with a run." she informs me. I nod and steady myself. I push my trolley and run towards the barrier.

Instead of smashing into it, I was standing on a new platform, platform 9 3/4 in fact. I joined Harry and Arthur in front of the Hogwarts express to wait for the others who followed shortly after. I followed the group to the end of the train where we entered to find an empty compartment. We left our trunks, Hedwig, Crookshanks, and Hecate there. We went outside to say goodbye to Mr. And Mrs. Weasley. Mrs. Weasley kissed all her children, then Hermione, then Harry and finally me. I wasn't embarrassed like the Weasley siblings but rather pleased when she gave me an extra hug.

"Do take care, won't you Karma?" she said as she straightened up, her eyes oddly bright. Then she opened her enormous handbag and said, "I've made you all sandwiches. Here you are, Ron... no, they're not corned beef... Fred? Where's Fred? Here you are dear..."

"Harry," said Mr. Weasley quietly, "come over here for a moment."
He jerked his head towards a pillar, and Harry followed him behind it, leaving the others crowded around Mrs. Weasley. I was curious as to why Arthur wanted to talk to my cousin alone. I know it was about my dad. Ginny told me everything last night. It didn't take much of my charm to make her talk.

Ron took my hand and dragged me back in the train, yet I kept my eyes on Harry and Arthur talking. We were in the corridor of the train with Hermione and Ginny. Soon Harry joined us as the train started moving.

"I need to talk to you in private," Harry muttered to Ron and Hermione as the train picked up speed.
"Go away, Ginny," said Ron.
"Oh, that's nice," said Ginny huffily, and she stalked off. I took a step towards the trio before Hermione stepped in.

"You too, Karma." she said harshly. I looked at them dumbfounded.  I thought I was part of the group.

"Sorry Karma Hermione's right. We'll talk ones we're in the Gryffindor common room." Harry said. They turned around and walked away to find an empty compartment. And there I was alone, off course. I made a quick turn to run off to Ginny but I collided against something tall. I step back and look up to see that the tall thing was, in fact, a tall boy. He was handsome, had a pointy face with blue eyes, his hair was brown, but the tips were gold. He looked down at me with amusement.

"Hello there." He cheered. He had a small smile on his face. He looked down at my plain uniform. "I get that as a first-year you're confused as to how things work around here so..." I cut him off quickly.
"Oh, no-no. Technically it's my first year but I'm enrolling in my third year." I explained. He thought for a second before his expression changed in realization.

"So you're the bastard." He said out loud taking me by surprise. "I beg your pardon?"

"Well, some people call you a bastard. It was a pretty big scandal when your dad impregnated an underage squib." He informed me quickly. I look him dead in the eyes. "So that's how you see me? A bastard?" I questioned with a harsh voice. He shrugs. "We'll see."

He changes his attitude in a matter of seconds from intimidating to cheerful. "As the Gryffindors left you, do you want to sit with me and my friends?" He asks. He already took my hand before I could give an answer and took me down the corridor to a compartment. I just followed him as I didn't know where else to go. He slides open a door to reveal two girls sitting opposite of each other. They look up to us in surprise.

"Girls, this is my new friend Karma." The boy introduces me as his friend after our weird conversation. I gave an awkward wave and sat next to one of the girls while the boy sat next to the other. The girl next to me faced me. She had long dark blond locks, a round face and an olive skin tone. Her eyes were a bright shade of green.

"Kimberly Grigori." She states coldly. The other girl took out her hand towards me and I shake it.

"Zofia Watson, pleasure." She introduces herself. Her short hair was dark and curly. She had a dark skin tone. Her eyes were an intimidating colour brown. She had a pair of round glasses on her nose.

"Jason Tonks." The boy said as lasts. It was at this moment that I looked at their uniforms. They were coloured green.

These three characters are based on real friends.

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