3.My godfather comes to the rescue

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Some gasped others chuckled few stayed silent. The minister stared at me in disbelief.

"You're Karma Potter?" He asked. I nodded. He stares back at me for a moment before facing his assistant and mumbling something towards her. She leaves the room in a hurry but comes back in less than two minutes. She takes a stand on the left side of my chair as she is scanning all the papers in the folder.

"Karma Potter has been dead for thirteen years," The minister began. "If you're truly Karma Potter than take the birth certificate in your hands," I turn to my left to see that the assistant had the document in her hand, I stare at the document for a moment before taking it in my hand. Before I could study the document, it shimmered greenly in my hands for a second before turning to its original state.

"So it's true, " A voice spoke softly. The whole room turns to an old man with a long beard and weird robes. He was walking as if he had all the time of the world towards the minister. Behind him followed a ginger man who was in much more of a hurry.

"Minister," the old man spoke up looking at the Minister above him. "Now that we're certain that the girl is Karma Potter. It is my duty as her godfather to find her a place to stay," He told the Minister with such a calm voice, not neutral, not annoyed just calm. He turns towards me flashes a reassuring smile before taking the birth certificate out of my hands. He displayed it to the Minister and points at a certain place on the paper. "Under the word, godfather is written my name and signature," The Minister leans forward and stares at the document. He leans back and sighed in defeat,

"Then so be it. Albums Dumbledore has full custody of Karma Euphemia Potter, "  He slams his hammer on the table making it was official. Dumbledore stands next to the ginger man and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"I want my goddaughter to grow up in a loving household. That's why she'll stay with the Weasley's, " He announced heartily. The ginger man turns his gaze towards me, then to Dumbledore and then back to me. He looked like he was about to faint.

"Objection!" We all looked at the far left to see the platinum blond from before. "Arthur Weasley can barely take care of his five children. How can he possibly take care of a sixth child," The man spat. I glared at him already knowing what type of man he was. Mr. Weasley glared at him as well, but his facial expression was a mixture of fury and shame.

"I'll pay monthly child support to the family. I appreciate the concern, Lucius." Dumbledore responds with a sarcastic undertone. Lucius scoffed and sat back down, he lost this battle.

Dumbledore took out his wand and with a quick swish, I was shackled to the chair by my wrist and ankles. I let out a surprised gasp. Dumbledore stands before me, his wand pointed to my head.

"Because you're thirteen you need to learn two years' worth of knowledge as quickly as possible." the minister explains. "This method may be harsh, but it's the best option you have. Dumbledore will put all the information you need in your memory. The honor is yours, Dumbledore."

Dumbledore stares back at me with a calm smile. "This may feel uncomfortable at the end." without a warning he mumbled some words that I guess was a spell. I slam my head back against the head rail of the iron chair, as my brain was sucking in all the new information. I couldn't let out a sound as many things popped into my mind. Wingardium Leviosa, transfiguration, potions, charms one thing after another. After a minute the feeling stopped, and the shackles came off. I rubbed my temples and groaned. The head-splitting headache wouldn't ease. This is too much for me, I'm not special, I can't do shit like magic. With the intention to run away I stand up quickly only to fall face flat on the marble floor. I could hear silent chuckles coming from the other side of the room, Lucius' side of the room.

Le time skip
(cus I'm lazy)

We were currently at Mr. Weasley's home. I sat on the couch awkwardly as I was sitting in between his twin sons and the other three siblings were staring at me. Dumbledore already bought everything I needed for school, except for my uniform and wand, I'll wait for that. Mr. and Mrs. Weasley were arguing in the kitchen, apparently, she knew nothing about the fact that I would stay with them. It wasn't as if she didn't want me here, she was just unsure if they would be the right fit for me. I shift my attention to the siblings.

"Your parents are very nice," I spoke shyly. Frigging at the end of my shirt nervously.

"Ma's alright..." shrugs Fred, I think.
"When she doesn't yell at us." finished George, I think. All the siblings were slightly tanned, they just came back from Egypt.

"I still can't believe you're Harry's cousin." Ron declared. He leans very close to my face. "I can see a few similarities, the two of you share the same nose." I shift back uncomfortably. He liked me as soon as he heard I was related to this Harry Potter.

"How exactly am I related to Harry Potter?" I asked. Dumbledore told me about my famous cousin but nothing about my parents. When I asked about them, he pretended to not hear what I just said.

"Well, you see" Percy clears his throat and changes his voice to a more serious tone. "James Potter, his father, has a younger squib sister, Veronica Potter. She had an intimate relationship with Sirius Black and gave birth to you at the age of sixteen while he was twenty, " That's a concerning age gap. Percy continued "It was said that you died shortly after birth."

"But how is she here? How did she end up in the orphanage?" Ginny questioned. I didn't like that everyone knew more about me, than me.

"Sirius always suspected Walburga Black, his mother, for her death," Arthur joined in the conversation with Mrs. Weasley at his side. "The Black family was obsessed with pure blood supremacy. The fact that her son had a daughter with a squib was probably enough motivation for her."

The forgotten Potter ~ D.M.Where stories live. Discover now