14| Dog Fight Conclusion

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The two wolves hesitate for a moment when they see me over their recently deceased packmate. Their hackles rise and their growls become louder as they stare me down. With an angry howl, they charge through the narrow gap.

I'm not in a good spot right now. With how horned rabbit created the walls, there is enough room for both wolves to attack, but not enough for me to dodge effectively. I need to separate them even further.

Right as the wolves get close, I take a deep breath and fire a stream of firebreath down the path.

I don't remember which wolf is which, but what I do know is that one wolf is the one horned rabbit fought, while the other wolf is the one that I fought. So that means, of the two, only one of them knows about firebreath and its effectiveness, or to be more specific, its lack of effectiveness.

I lift my claws in preparation. As expected, only a single outline of a wolf can be seen within the fire.

The moment I see its muzzle poke through the flames, I quickly swipe its head, slicing it across the face. The wolf whines as it tries to retreat, but my attack temporarily blinded it and ends up crashing into the earth wall instead.

Before the wolf has a chance to regain its vision, I bite into its neck and twist. My jaw is beginning to ache from all the biting. I might end up getting lock-jaw after all this.

The fires disperse into the air. Now only the sole survivor of the pack stands in front of me.

The wolf looks surprised when it sees the lifeless body of its last friend. Its surprise turns into rage and it glares at me. All at once, the minute those hateful eyes locks on me, the air grows cold and the feeling of terror grips me. The wolf's green fur appears to be turning black. Its as if the wolf turned into the embodiment of fear itself.


The wolf's growl echoes unnaturally around me. Before I knew it, I've taken a few involuntary steps away from the beast.

Calm down, Calm down! Pull yourself together! I've already killed three of the wolves, there's no reason to be scared, so why do I feel so batshit terrified? Dammit, hands, stop shaking!

I grip my heart in an effort to calm down, it's pounding to the point where my body shakes with every beat. The wolf charges at me, each step it takes amplified the terror to greater heights. The urge to flee becomes overwhelming.

Succumbing to the fear, I turn to flee. As I do so, the image of horned rabbit looking helplessly at me with its limp leg flashes through my mind.

What am I doing? Fight the damn wolf and kill it!

With all my effort, I force myself to face the wolf. The instant I glare back at it, the fear completely dissolves. Before the wolf gets any closer, I launch a firebreath and the wolf jumps away.

The wolf makes a frustrated growl.

My heart's still beating fast, but not out of fear. I don't know how, but the wolf did something to make me so absolutely afraid.

This last wolf is completely different from the others. I thought it was just my imagination, but its fur is, in fact, turning black. I need to finish this fast. The wolf still sees the firebreath as deadly, so I'll use it again, except this time, I'll use it as a smokescreen and attack through it.

Once more, I shoot firebreath at the wolf, however, instead of the wolf staying back to avoid it, the wolf runs forward and jumps above the fire. In the middle of its jump, the wolf kicks the earth wall. A piece of the wall crumbles as it uses the recoil to boost itself to the opposite side. Then with a soft *paff* the wolf lands ontop the earth wall.

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