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Shy, that's how everyone describes me. Except my close friends, but I have to know you for years to open up to you. That's because of everything I've been through and no one believes how hard it is to talk to people now. I do talk to people if I have to, like for a school project, but other than that I don't really talk to anyone because I'm afraid. Afraid that they'll laugh at my ideas, or afraid that they won't like me. I also do yell at people sometimes but that takes a lot, because it's not me, it's not what I do, it's not who I am. If I do yell at someone it's because I've had enough. It bothers me when I yell at people, I shake from fear. I'm only human. I can only handle so much. Sometimes I break. Circumstances made me who I am today, I loved how I used to be. I was outgoing, made friends easily, and I was likeable. I enjoyed having friends. I enjoyed being me. Things changed, and I no longer enjoy the things in my past. Today I enjoy writing about my feelings, sticking my nose into books, and being alone.

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