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Instantly after I started disliking school, my grades started dropping. I never really cared about them anymore. I would curl up on the couch or in bed reading a book or writing a story than going to school where I wasn't protected by the walls of my home, I was left out in the open easy to be attacked. It got to a point where I cried when I had to leave the house, and that started happening when Heather died, she was closer family to me than my own mother. I couldn't bear the thought of continuing my day to day life without the main part of it being here. Heather was always there for me, it was weird not having her there by my side. I couldn't talk to Barbara because she wanted nothing to do with me. My aunt wanted nothing to do with me because she was acting like a child and taking a fit that I saw Heather last and not her. The day I nearly died Heather was watching over me keeping me alive. I know it, I should've been dead. The worst part wasn't even that, it was when I was bullied for no reason, when I was bullied due to a misunderstanding.

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