Paragrapgh 4

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I remember when I was excited to start school, because I wanted to make friends, I wanted to learn. The first day was always my favourite, I loved to see everyone's school supplies, because mine was always so different. All my school supplies was from the states, I loved having different materials, why? I don't know I just liked being different. I always wanted to be organised to make sure I knew where everything was so I could get good grades. It all started to change though, I started caring about what others thought of me. It's the first day of third grade, the popular girls Madelene, Leanna, Kimberly, Alaina and Savannah are different this year, I don't know what's going on, they're mean. Just because I have problems, doesn't mean they have to point them out, even if they do want to do this they should have the facts before telling everyone a lie about me. The first day is no longer my favourite part of school, I wish I never had to come to school. The girls don't like me. Why? What am I doing wrong, I am nice to them even if I can't handle talking to anyone anymore. Do they just need someone to bully. Why does it have to be me? Aren't we all supposed to feel safe at school, not like we are in a fire zone. I can't get away from it. I always thought I was in the wrong, I even started missing a lot of school because I couldn't handle their comments, but it was never my fault. It was always theirs.

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