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May 19th the day that this little seven-year-old had to go to her cousins funeral, not really something anyone would want to go to. It was a beautiful day though, the birds were chirping and flying around, the sun was shining, there was a lovely breeze, he cousin died she was going to see her in a coffin but yet the little girl was numb, she couldn't express herself. The little girl got into the car with her sister and her parents, to head to the funeral home where the funeral was. When they got there everyone was crying except the little girl. She was trying to be strong for everyone else, her aunt the mother of the cousin that died was balling her eyes out, but no one could blame her. One by one everyone went up to the coffin to say goodbye to her as the song "Here Comes Goodbye" by Rascal Flatts was playing in the background. The hardest part was seeing her kids standing in line to say goodbye to their mother, they weren't even teenagers yet, it was hard for the little girl to go up and say sorry for your loss to the kids because they were like siblings they were always together, except the little girl still had he mother. The little girl's aunt was offended that she wasn't crying and was mad that she got to see her daughter last, But it wasn't the little girls fault, she had no emotions, and it was luck that she got to see her cousin the day that she died, but it's also a terrifying thought that hours before she died she was happy with her family. Her kids survived the crash but she didn't they were all together then they weren't. The mother wouldn't let her daughter's ex boyfriend into the funeral home because she blamed him for the death of her daughter. The little girl's aunt didn't talk to her for months.

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