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A hot afternoon in May, the corn field grown high, the sun beaming down making everything you touch hot enough to burn you, and the water in the pool looking like the best place to be. Imagine a seven-year-old girl, brown hair, blue eyes and freckles driving a 1993 ford GT65 lawn mower around and around her yard. She was having fun, smiling big, and yelling out to her sister who was weeding the garden in the front of her house. Her sister yelled at her to stop, she stopped and turned around to talk to her sister. The little girl had her foot on the brake and had her body twisted so she was turned and resting her chin on her arms on the back of the tractor seat. As she turned around to continue driving around the yard her elbow hit the tractor into neutral and she went flying down the hill in her yard and couldn't stop the tractor. She flipped it into the ditch at the bottom of her yard. The tractor landed on her, she screamed and cried because she couldn't move. She was pinned onto a huge sharp rock and had the tractor on her abdomen, by the time her sister got her dad down to the ditch the little girl couldn't feel her right leg. It was numb , she was quiet her screaming and crying died down she was gazing at the clouds. Her dad and sister were trying to push the tractor off of her, after nearly a half hour the little girl was drifting in and out of consciousness and finally the tractor was pushed off of her, she was once again fully aware of everything that was going on because the pain came rushing back, she started to cry again. She couldn't more, she told her dad that. She was picked up and rushed to the car and raced to the hospital. When she was in the back of the car on her back completely lengthwise the car. She felt every curve, every bump and evert stop as she cried quietly with her arms over her face. As the little girl got to the hospital she was numb. She was scared, scared she was dying. Her dad picked her up and carried her into the emergency room, gasps filled the room, footsteps and a stretcher was being rushed to the little girl. She was taken from her father's arms, he didn't know what was going on, she heard her dad yelling at the nurses that were rolling her away. He was scared, scared that she was dying. The nurse walked out into the waiting room to get the little girl's dad and sister to bring them to her room. When they walked in her dad saw her hooked up to all these machines and a cast on her right leg. She was unconscious, her dad wanted to talk to her, he grabbed her hand and whispered "you're a fighter, you're not giving up on me". She heard him, she knew she had to fight. Her eyes opened. He hugged her gently. He was happy, happy that she was alive. The doctor walked in, he was surprised she was conscious. The doctor told the little girl's dad that she was lucky to be alive. That little girl was me.

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