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Careful, that's how I am, anyone would agree with that. I don't like trying new things, I like playing it safe. I don't want to be hurt, I don't want to be disappointed, and I don't want to get out of my comfort zone. I know what being hurt feels like, I know what disappointment feels like. I know enough that I don't want to go back. I do try new things once in a while, but it scares me. Like driving, I didn't think I could do it, but it's something I need to learn to do. Or drinking, my friend got me to try it, I was so scared I didn't want to become how my uncle is, I didn't want to become addicted to it. Thank god I hated it, but I had panic attacks for weeks because I thought I just ruined my life. Before I became so worried, I tried new things all the time, some things were dumb, I shouldn't have done them but now I know, I'm lucky to have learnt young rather than when I was older. I thought I was a superhero, I swore I could do anything until realizing I couldn't do everything I thought I could, because even the strongest, and bravest people couldn't do these things.

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