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Every year on May 16th, I remember the last time I saw her. I think back to my last memory of her before she died. It's 9am May 14th and it's a lovely warm morning where robins are in the yard chirping and picking worms out of he softening ground, the wind slightly blowing giving a cool touch to this fine morning, and the sun is shining making the fields look alive. I remember this because it was such a beautiful day outside but nothing that was happening around us was beautiful. None of it should've happened. There's no school today or tomorrow , such a beautiful day and I get to play outside. At least I thought I did until mommy came outside and told me that Heather was coming to get me. "Why" is the only thing I was going to say because I am interested in the soccer game I am playing with the side of the house but mommy was starting to answer my unasked question. I am going to Heather's because Ashley is getting her jaw broken. Mommy says I will be there until Saturday morning. I am bringing my soccer ball to play with Damian or the side of the house, either way I always win. But the day isn't a problem for me because I love going to Heather's house. I always play with Damian. I run up the stairs to make sure mommy packed Mr. Heartfelt my pink dog plushie. I came jumping down the stairs as soon as I saw Heather pull in. I run to the car with my school bag and soccer ball, as soon as I opened the door Damian was screaming that we were going zip lining, I started screaming with him because we only do this twice a year. That special occasion was the best part of having Heather as an amazing cousin. It was so sad when it all came to an end. It's Saturday morning and I am awoken by the phone ringing, it's mommy. I am able to go back home, Ashley is home and okay. I don't want to go home it's fun at Heather's. Heather is getting ready to bring me home but the phone rang again, it isn't mommy this time. Heather is rushing through the conversation which she never does. She hangs up the phone ans starts walking to the car, I follow as fast as my little legs will let me. She's driving fast. She's in a hurry. I wish she took her time maybe then I wouldn't have this horrible memory. That was the last time I saw her, well second last. The phone starts ringing at 9pm who the heck is call at this time, daddy answers it. He sounds panicked, he doesn't want me to come with him, I can see it in his face but there isn't anyone here to watch me. Ambulances and police cars is all I can see as we come to a stop behind a police car, the first thing I think of is MOMMY, but that's when I see it, Heather's car, her car wrapped around a tree, She's DEAD.

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