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People always tell me that I have changed so much from when I was younger, and I do believe it because I know what happened. I'm shy because of my past, I changed because of my past, I am who I am because of my past. I will always remember that day as if it were yesterday. It was third grade, we were a week in, everyone found out why I missed the last two months of second grade it wasn't my choice but I was still teased by 5 girls because they didn't know the real story. They thought I missed those two months because I nearly died. But girls will be girls they will believe what they want to believe. Thinking back on this they were stupid and wanted something to gossip about. We were eight, they should've been playing with Barbies, but they were playing with fire and I was the firewood slowly being burned. I couldn't ask for help because no one would listen. These were the popular girls, everyone listened to what they said. They always found something new to pick on me about when the other things got boring. I stopped talking to people hoping it would stop and finally after years and years of torture it did. I still am that way, I don't talk to people to keep the possibility of being bullied away.

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