group chat Jessie and the guys

714 9 0

5 guys 1 girl ❤❤

Jess🔥- guys, if I go on tour with you what's gonna happen with Jazzy?

Jack😋- she should come too so people can see her in real life

Zachy💍- idk it's a lot for just a 2 year old

Jess🔥- she's seen all the screaming girls before

JoJo🐻- yea but we'll have to bring Lauren to keep Jasmine company in the bus while Jessie sings with us

Jess🔥- assholes! Why do I have to sing!?

Bean🥑- because you have the voice of an angel

Jess🔥- um no....that's Jack

Jack😋- awww thanks bestie

Dani😈- wow Jessie thanks!

Jess🔥- your welcome Dani

Zachy💍- can we not do that!?

JoJo🐻- jeez Zach calm down what's wrong?

Zachy💍- everything! Jessie i changed my mind you nor Jasmine aren't going on tour I'm sorry

Jess🔥- you don't trust me do you?

Dani😈- Zach what the hell? Why are you acting like this?

Jess🔥- no stop Daniel! He doesn't trust me with you guys! He thinks I'll leave him for one of you!

Jess🔥 has left the chat

Jack😋- what the hell Zach! SHE LOVES YOU WHY CAN'T YOU JUST SEE THAT!?

Jack😋 has left the chat

JoJo🐻- great going Zach!

JoJo🐻 has left the chat

Dani😈- Jesus Zach why can't you just see that she chose you, not!

Dani😈 has left the chat

Bean🥑- asshole!

Bean🥑 has left the chat

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I fucked up! What am I gonna do? 

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