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They did not understand anything for a minute. Their eyes caught up in each other again, their thoughts embraced, desires came back on and they made love with hope. Fate had been so magnificently generous with them, made them meet again on that night so sad and so dark in the light of a single streetlamp that barely worked. They remained silent and motionless for a few minutes. They could not understand anything, happiness had somehow tied them like dogs on leashes, but when they woke up from that trance, they ran towards each other to hug each other again, to hold each other, to touch each other. They had finally found the antidote for their constant sadness. The girl began to sob, and he hugged her more tightly than ever. They felt at home, and it was the best feeling they had ever felt. "I can not believe it," she sobbed. "Neither do I, but now we're here, together, and you have no idea how happy I am!" he exclaimed, smiling. He kissed her on the head and the familiar smell made him feel even better. "Listen, do you want to go with me to the hotel? I'm alone, my friends are getting drunk in the square .. sure, only if you want to." Chiara asked shyly. "Of course I want, you do not even need to ask." He took her by the hand and left the lane. Now Venice had a different flavor, a taste that was sweeter and romantic. They walked along the streets slowly, they did not want that moment to fly away, they would savor every moment.
"So, how long will you remain in Venice?" He asked, in a low tone of voice. "Still for another two days, then I'll have to go back to the dear Marche hills." She also spoke in a rather low tone of voice, she did not like to be too vocal on evenings, when everyone was in their homes and could hear them. "I do not have any plans made..or rather: yes, but only up to a certain point." She rejoiced at hearing those words, which meant that they could spend the evening together again. "I missed you so much, you know?" he said to put an end to her thoughts. "Me too, Colin, I dare not imagine how much. I've constantly thought of you. You are a fixation!" They laugh in a low voice. They continued to walk for a while, until they arrived at the hotel. "Well, thank you for taking me here. It was a dream walk that I really needed." She smiled at him softly and he turned. He approached her before going, but they heard Chiara's friends drunk, returning to the hotel, laughing and swerving. "I think it's better ... well ... if you go ... I hope to see you again tomorrow .. goodnight." she said timidly looking down. "Oh, that would be great, maybe here where we were today? .." She looked sad, but there was still a glow of hope to illuminate her eyes. "Perfect." He hugged her tightly and walked towards his hotel. She continued to watch him walk away until her companions came near her. "Hey, who was that?" One said, drenched drunk. "Er .. I think you've dreamed of everything ... Go to sleep, maybe that suits you." "Do not say that about me ... ugly ... ugly ..." She did not finish the sentence that already Chiara took her arm to accompany her in the room. The others came by themselves, staggering, but alone. She made them sleep together, because she would have preferred to have the night to herself to think. * Then there is really something that binds us, that allows us to embrace each other, although everything is precarious. I only hope I will not lose him again. * She went peacefully to sleep that night, and the following day, although it was her birthday, she did nothing but paint the images of the following evening in her mind. The evening came quickly, with great joy on the part of the girl. At 9pm sharp, she went to the narrow alley where she had met Colin before. She thought it would be the best birthday present. She had to wait a little, and to her surprise, since he had always been a precise and punctual man. She thought he had a mishap, so he waited until 10pm, but nothing happened. Resigned, disappointed, her eyes burning with tears, she returned to the hotel, where she would be left alone, without anyone to console her. Her companions were back in the square. She cried, cried and cried again in the silence of the night. She thought then, that calling her aunt would perhaps help her get off a bit. She was the only one who knew about Colin.
"Aunt ... Aunt, I'm really sorry for the late time but I'm destroyed."
"Hey honey, calm down, what happened?"
"Yesterday I met Colin here in Venice, and it was a real surprise, he took me to the hotel and then told me he would like to see me again tonight, I waited a fucking hour at the meeting place, but he did not show up I am literally destroyed ... I think ... I do not think I should ever fall in love with him." "Honey ... I'm so sorry ... I would never have believed that someone like him ... well, very reserved but also very sweet, could have done so ... I'm sorry .. do not think about it now ok? rest and enjoy the trip ... okay? " "I'll try," she sobbed, "I'll call you tomorrow." Goodnight, "and then she hung up.
Meanwhile, her aunt had been shocked by Colin's behavior. She took the phone in her hand to send a message to Chiara to further comfort her, but in the meantime she noticed that there was an email. She opened it and saw that it was from Colin. Sh read it: "Hi, I'm sorry if I'm bothering you, but it's important, could you tell Chiara that I could not meet with her because of an important engagement? Actually they called me for a business dinner and I could not turn it down. Tell her I'm so sorry, and I'll be with her in the morning, before 7am, but now, I would not want her to wait in vain. Greetings, Firth. " Her aunt looked around in amazement. She tried to call Chiara, but evidently she had already fallen asleep. * It will mean that tomorrow morning you will have a dear surprise my Chiara! * She thought smiling.
The next day, Chiara woke up with constant beats on her bedroom door. It was 5:30 am. "Who is it at this early hour?" she said annoyed, opening the door. "It's me," said Colin, smiling at her. She was all disheveled, wearing pajamas and bear-shaped slippers. It was certainly not a good look. "And what are you doing here?" she said with an expression mixed with anger and amazement. "Since I couldn't come last night, I allowed myself to come and say hello this morning." He smiled benevolently. "Since we are here, why do not you tell me why you did it? If you did not want to see me, it would have been enough to have said no last night." She was still pissed off about what had happened the night before, but Colin promptly explained it to her. "Excuse me, then ... I thought you did it willingly..." the girl looked embarrassed. "How could I? I am a gentleman and gentlemen do not do these things" and saying that, they laughed together. "Can I get in? Maybe we'll talk better." he asked, looking around. "Yes come." Chiara laughed, her eyes slowly coming back on him.

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