It's complicated

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The music from inside the room no longer bothered them. There was created an atmosphere so sweet and full of emotions impossible to fully describe. Luca took a step forward, and at the same time, Chiara did the same; they were less than a meter away from each other. The boy leaned shyly and shifted her hair from the front of her face. He looked at her and bit his lip showing some beautiful dimples. A shiver ran through the girl's body, and she closed her eyes. Luca approached her and gently laid his lips on hers first, which ended up in a long, romantic kiss in the moonlight. For a moment, Chiara did not think of anything, she had such a thrill of emotions inside that she could not react. But then Colin came back to her mind. He kissed in the same way, with the same delicacy and passion together, and she could not help but get away from Luca. She felt guilty for having "betrayed" the person who had been her first true love, even if it was small.
"What's wromg?" he asked embarrassed.
"N-nothing, don't mind it, it's just a thought .." she replied, very shaken.
"If I shouldn't have done it, tell me."
"No, it's not your fault ... you've been perfect, but now I think it's better to go upstairs, I'm tired.. see you tomorrow." Chiara gave him one last kiss and left. Luca stood for a moment without understanding, but then thought that she was really tired, so he put his soul in peace and went to sleep too.
The day that followed was tremendous for the girl. She had not slept because she was tormented by constant nightmares. It was as if she had fallen into the hands of a curse from which she could not be freed. * What have I done, what have I done? I betrayed Colin's love, what he had given me, oh, but how could I have been so stupid? * She repeated it in her head until she met Luca. He smiled at her softly and kissed her cheek, asking her how she was.
"Well, well, thank you, Luca, have you slept well?" she tried to look as worried as possible, for the sake of that good boy.
"Yes, I slept very well, I thought about last night." he blushed.
The girl was touched and kissed him on the lips, but he took her by the back of the head before she could get away and continued to kiss her. * Oh, no! I do not.. but how do I do it now? It's so complicated.. I can not tell him that his father and I are in love and that we kissed.. what a disaster.. * she thought while Luca kissed her.
"You know, it's been so long since I met someone like you, so sweet and understanding I mean.. thank you for coming back," he finally said. Chiara smiled, this time it was a sincere smile, it was always nice to be told to be important for someone. He hugged her and they went to class together. Giulia and Clara, having noticed the two, and noticed Luca without a hood, ran to Chiara and asked her for all the details. The girl explained everything to them, without mentioning Colin.
At the end of the day, once in her room, Chiara decided to call her aunt. She needed a shoulder to cry on, someone to confide in.
"Yes...?" The voice on the other side of the phone sounded sleepy.
"Aunt! Oh aunt, you cannot imagine how happy I am to hear you! I have to tell you so many things.." the girl's enthusiastic voice made her aunt wake up.
"Honey, tell me everything, I'm here.."
Within half an hour she tried to gather all the facts to tell them all to her aunt.
"Oh, Chiara, it's so complicated.. I can only tell you to follow your heart.."
The girl burst into tears, told her that it was all in vain because Luca loved her very much and she wouldn't break his heart for anything in the world.. but Colin.. Colin was the man who she had first loved, although she was toi young for certain things still.
"I see, I understand.. listen, I'll send an email to Colin and ask him what he does and how he is on your behalf.. Maybe you'll have the chance to meet and talk about it, it will be easier with him."
"Yes aunt, thank you, thank you!" she shouted, then they said goodnight and hung up.
She threw herself on the bed with a reassured heart and slept very well that night. The next day she saw that among the messages there was one from her aunt sent the night before. She opened it worried still, and read what Colin had written. He said this:
Tell Chiara that I'm fine, or rather, not so well since she's gone. I'd like to see her again one day, I miss her so much, ask her if it's okay tomorrow afternoon downtown. I know she's going to the same college as Luca, he told me. Let me know."
Chiara jumped all around the room happily, no longer being able to wait to see her man again. That afternoon she took as an excuse the fact that she had to do some shopping and went out. She dressed in the best way she could, and when she got to the center she sat down on a bench. After a few minutes she heard a whistle coming from behind a big house. She turned and saw a hand that beckoned her to go there. So she did and finally she could hug Colin again.
"Oh God! How long has it been?! I missed you so much!" she said with tears in her eyes. "I missed you so much too. I couldn't wait to see you again! How are you?"
"Now I'm well." He approached her and kissed her tenderly, holding her tightly. It was all like the first time. They spent a lot of time loving each other, behind that big and massive house.
When they parted, they walked around the most hidden streets of the city, embraced like teenagers. They talked about many things, about their lives, about their love. But although everything was going well, Chiara had to tell him about Luca. She decided she would do it trying to be as concise as possible.
"Listen, I.." she stammered "I have to tell you something.. important.."
"Tell me everything." he smiled at her
"Well.. I want to tell you as fast as possible.. I.. Luca.. we kissed.. that is, he kissed me.. no, WE kissed, but I was thinking of you, and.. I wouldn't have done it. He doesn't know.. in short.. about us, our meetings etc.. and he seems really taken by this story, he is very sweet and good, he kisses like you and for a minute he made me feel nostalgic, but you are you and.. "
"Shh, do not say anything else." Colin seriously made her shut up "Luca has a crush on you since he saw you at the pub and I always knew, or rather, I thought he does. I do not know what I'll have to do now. I cannot know for sure if you're telling me this just because I am an actor and because you have always admired me and do not want to lose me, or because you really mean it. I have to think."
The girl burst into tears.
"You do not believe me then.. You think I'm an opportunist! Do you think I'll tell you some bullshit just to get you closer to me? I think you're wrong then, I think I've been wrong since the beginning.. I have to go. Good evening." And having said that she picked up the backpack from the ground and angrily went to college. She couldn't believe the fact that Colin did not believe her, that he thought she was just a stupid little girl. She would have wanted to die at that moment, so as to free herself from everything. Colin meanwhile closed his eyes and sighed. Then he went away too. It was all over then..? All the love they had given to each other thrown in the air? Both asked themselves questions of this kind, but in their hearts they really believed that there would be nothing else.

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