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(Note: those who haven't read the chapter preceding this one, they should know that it is before the cover's chapter, you might read it)

My eyes opened slowly as the rhythmic beeping of the machines kept beside me intruded my peaceful slumber.

Same room, same walls, same machine, same soft bed and the same freaking pain in head.

Oh! And there's this new burning pain in my back. Okay, at least something is new.

I don't know but it seems like I have developed an intimate connection with this ICU room in the hospitals in such a short period of time, painful memories of past are embedded in every wall of this room, painful screams of those who died in here, cries of those who lost someone they loved.

I tried to get up but the freaking pain in my back stopped me from doing so.

"I would recommend you to take rest" a boy who looked like he was in his early adulthood, said. His hair were of medium length, neither too long nor too short for a boy. His eyes were amber and had fair skin color. I was too engrossed in my own thoughts that I didn't noticed the presence of someone in flesh and bones. Great!

"Hey, it's okay but can you call the doctor? The one who performed my surgery." I said.

"It was me" he said

Wait, they let a child perform my surgery, he looked at most four years older than me.

"I am Shaun, Dr. Shaun Murphy and I am a doctor." He said.

"Hi, I am Lilliane , Lilliane Wolf, it's nice to meet you Shaun. But can you explain me the reason of this pain in my back?" I asked.

"This pain is due to the surgery we performed to remove the tumour from your spine before it could infect your lungs and heart" he said.

"Spine? As far as I remember I had an inoperable glioma doc." I told him reciting things from my memories.

"Your tumor started to grow down your spine causing some of your nerves to rupture , we have to remove it before your condition could go worse" he said as he played with his fingers.

"Your glioma is operable" he said.

"Yeah, I know it is" I told him as I took a huge gulp of air.

"So why are you not opting for surgery ? " he asked.

"I just don't want to risk my life" I told him truthfully.

"There is no risk to your life" he said and I let out a small sad chuckle .

"You see, there is no risk to my existence but to my life" I told him.

"But what is the difference ? " he asked just then another doctor came in, she had chocolate brown skin and black curly hair that matched her eyes, she had full lips and she had double eyelashes, a rare genetic mutation.

"Shaun, stop irritating her, I am sorry for Shaun ' s behaviour" she said and Shaun opened his mouth to protest, just then he moved away, towards my CR scans.

"Hi, I am Iris" she said sticking her hand out for me to shake.

"Hi" I said.

" I am really sorry for Shaun's behaviour, he suffers from autism and savant syndrome." She said and I looked at him.

"That explains it" I said.

"Explains what?" she asked.

"Shaun, he is younger than you and the other group of doctors, he asks a lot of questions." I told her.

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