17. Pregnant?

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Today was the day that Anna could find out if she was pregnant or not. She was pretty sure that she was because she had been throwing up the past few mornings but when she had been sick Brittany was out shooting the movie and Anna wasn't too concerned so she didn't mention it. Anna was walking into the doctors office with Kate, hoping that today she would find out that she is pregnant.

"Anna" called Dr Anderson
Anna and Kate get up and walk into a room with a computer on one half and a bed on the other.
"Would you like to just hop on the bed for me and then we'll take an ultrasound" Dr. Anderson said
"Yep" Anna replies
"Ok so this gel will be a bit cold" Dr. Anderson says
"Ooooh I remember this when I found out I was pregnant with you Kate" Anna says
"I bet you weren't this happy.." whispered Kate
"Ok so it appears that... You are pregnant!!" Dr. Anderson announces
"Oh my gosh I'm so happy" Anna squeals
"Yay!!"kate jumps up and down

"When are you going to tell mumma?" Kate asks
"She finishes shooting now so she should be home about the same time as us or before, I'll tell her as soon as I see her" Anna replies
"Okay can't wait!" Kate says

Brittany had a stressful day at work they had to change a few scenes and work extra hard. She was ready to come home to her girlfriend and daughter and have a movie night with lots of snacks. Brittany walks through the house to find that no one is home, she finds it strange but manages.
"We're home!!" Anna yells
"Hey baby" Britt says and comes to kiss Anna
"We're were you?" Britt asks
"Well... I have some exciting news, I'm pregnant!!!" Anna yells
"What!! I'm so happy!! We're going to have a child!!" Brittany screams
"Yep and I made sure he looked just like you" Anna says
"Awh you're so sweet" Brittany says

This was a happy chapter!

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