Chapter 6: The End (Of The Battle)

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"What's going out there?" Sierra asked Chris. They had healed their Pokemon and just exchanged Xtransceiver numbers when they heard a ruckus outside. They burst through the Pokemon Center doors and saw... Chase battling an old man. His Oshawott was jumping up to dodge the old man's Blitzle's Shock Wave.

"Now, Quick Attack again!" His Oshawott used Quick Attack as it was jumping, so it was less like a Quick Attack and more like Aerial Ace.

"Rear Kick now!" Just as Oshawott was about to hit Blitzle, Blitzle kicked him right in the chest. Oshawott flew back and landed gracefully on his feet, unharmed.

"Of course!" Sierra thought. "Its scallchop is so strong it can take brunt of the attack!" From the look on Chase's face, he had realized the same thing.

"Blitzle, use Thunderbolt!"

"Now Oshawott! Use your scallchop like a sword!"

As Blitzle shot a bolt of pure electricity from its horn, Oshawott took its scallchop of its chest. As he held it up, a translucent blue blade extended from the scallchop. Oshawott slashed the Thunderbolt in half with its scallchop, making the blade cackle with electricity.

"Now, use Razor Shell!"

Oshawott charged Blitzle quickly, closing the distance in a couple seconds.

"Blitzle, Thunderbolt now!"

Blitzle was to slow. Oshawott slashed Blitzle with Razor Shell, attacking with double power, causing and explosion of energy and knocking Blitzle unconscious.

"Blitzle, return. Good battle young man! Your Oshawott is strong! Let us exchange numbers so we may battle again someday!"

"Ok, but can you tell me your name?"

"You can call me Kai."

So Chase and Kai exchanged numbers, the PokeChasers said their goodbyes, and they bid Accumula Town farewell.


On Route 2, Sierra realized that she and Chase had some unfinished business to take care of. "We never nicknamed our Pokemon!" she exclaimed, making Chase jump. "Well, I'm going to keep it simple. How about Osha?" "Osha Osha!" Osha agreed. "Well I'm going to think up a good nickname!"

"What, Osha is a bad nickname?"

"No, it's just... unoriginal."

"Whataya mean unoriginal?!?"

"Oh look, we're here!"

Looming in front of the PokeChasers was Striaton City.

"Oh boy!" Chase completely forgot to be mad at Sierra.

"The first gym!" they shouted in unison. After all, they both wanted to be Pokemon Masters!

And so, once again the chapter ends with the PokeChasers sprinting to their destiny!

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