Chapter 18: Chase Versus Steven

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"Yes, they were from Team Plasma. The one who took NinjaBlade had a Solosis."

The PokeChasers had reached Nimbasa City only minutes after Chase's Scyther had been nabbed. He had run to the police station as fast his legs could take him as soon as they entered the city. Now Chase was telling Officer Jenny about the theft. "Ok, we'll do what we can to find your Pokemon." As they walked out, Chase clenched his fists.

"Hold on NinjaBlade. We'll find you."

*******************************************After hours of searching, Chase finally found something. As he was looking around the Ferris Wheel, he heard someone talking on their X-transceiver. Sure enough, it was one of Team Plasma's grunts!

"We got one of their Pokemon. Yes, our spy confirms they are looking for it. Yessir. Yessir, we will."

He hung up and turned around. Chase recognized him! It was the grunt who stole NinjaBlade! Chase jumped out from behind the Ferris Wheel and jabbed a finger at the grunt.

"You!" he shouted, filled with rage. "Where is NinjaBlade?"

"Who the heck is NinjaBlade?"

"The Scyther you took from me!"

"What? I-"

"I challenge you to a Pokemon battle! If I win, you give me NinjaBlade back. If I lose, you can take me too!"

"Huh? I- I accept!"

"Go Wott!"

"Go Solosis!"

"Wott, Aqua Jet!"

"Solosis, teleport!"

Wott surrounded himself in water and shot towards Solosis. He was so fast that Solosis didn't even have time to teleport before she was slammed into by an angry water type.


Solosis's eyes glowed purple again, but this time it didn't pick up it's opponent. Instead, globs of purple energy appeared out of nowhere and smashed into Wott, putting him in a daze.

"Now, Psychic."

Solosis, eyes still aglow, surrounded Wott in purple energy and began to lift it into the air. Before it could do anything else, a bolt of lightning knocked Solosis onto the ground and freeing Wott.

"Chase!" a familiar voice cried. Sierra ran to her partner's side, Blitz not far behind her.

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Well, looks like I saved your butt again."

"Yeah. Let's just finish this guy. Wott! Use Water Gun!"

"Blitz, Thunderbolt!"

Wott shot a powerful torrent of water and Blitz's Thunderbolt electrified it. The mega attack hit Solosis with double power, knocking it out.


"Your Scyther is in Anvil Town. There's a secret bunker underneath the train museum."

Officer Jenny was about to lead the grunt away. He was telling Chase about Team Plasma's secret facility.

"It's heavily guarded."

"Ok. Thank you..."

"Steven. I'm Steven."

"Ok. Thanks Steven."

As Jenny led Steven away, Sierra turned to Chase.

"Where to now?"

"Isn't it obvious? Now we save NinjaBlade!"

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