Chapter 35: The Battle For The Universe

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A man in a brown coat and hat emerged, a blue and black Pokemon by his side. Chase gasped. "Dad?"

"Step away from Drago son," Nathan, Chase's father, told him. "Drago is a madman. He doesn't want to liberate Pokemon."

"He wants to destroy the universe."

"What?" Phil gasped. "You said you were true to the cause!"

"This world could've been so beautiful," Drago said, a mad glint in his eyes. "But then people became weak and began to show love and mercy. I will wipe this world clean!"

"Don't be silly," Nathan snapped at him. He pointed outside. "Those two Pokemon outside are Dialga and Palkia, the masters of time and space. You know that if the battle continues, time and space will collide. The universe will tear itself to shreds. Nobody will survive!"

"Chase," Nathan turned to his son. "You have to stop him."

"I will," Chase promised. He turned to Phil and Collin, Adam's two lackeys. "I know you two aren't really bad," he said to them. "We can stop Drago together."

"Sorry man," Collin said. "But you're on your own. He tossed a Pokeball into the air, and with a red flash, a Musharna appeared. "Teleport!" he called out. In a green burst of light, Phil and Collin were gone.

"Cowards!" Adam shouted. "I never needed you anyway!"

"Drago!" Chase called. "Stop now  or we'll stop you!"

"Never!" Drago called. "You'll never stop me!" He pulled a Pokeball off his belt and tossed it. "Go Haxorus!"

The huge Pokemon Sierra had fought at Celestial Tower appeared in a red flash.

"You'll never stop Drago!" Adam yelled. "Not with me backing him! Go Scolipede!"

Adam's partner, once a Venipede, had now grown into one of the strongest Pokemon in the region.

"Chase! Sierra!" Nathan called. "Stop Dialga and Palkia! I've got Drago!"

"How do we stop them?" Chase asked his dad.

"Use the legends!"

Chase nodded. He pulled Sierra to the side, told her the plan, and took her hand. Together, the ran towards the hole in the wall and jumped out of the tower.


As they fell, the PokeChasers pulled the black and white stones out of their bags. The stones began to glow, and in a bright flash, they were sitting on the backs of the legends of Unova.

"What do you need?" Zekrom's voice spoke in Chase's head.

"Fly me to Palkia," Chase told him, and Zekrom carried out the order. "Now, Thunder on Palkia!"

A bolt of lightning came down from the clouds and hit Palkia. The legend turned, furious, and spoke telepathically to Chase. "You dare attack me?"

Palkia opened his mouth and blasted Chase with Dragon Rage, knocking him off of Zekrom.


Sierra asked Reshiram to take her to Dialga. When they reached him, Sierra told Reshiram, "Flamethrower on Dialga! Now!"

Reshiram launched a blast of white hot flame, but Dialga dodged at the last second.

"Dialga!" Sierra shouted no that she had his attention. "Stop fighting! You'll tear the universe to shreds!"

"Why should I stop? Time has always been and always will be!"

"But think of the humans!" she cried.

"Humans? All they do is battle Pokemon over and over, not caring for the pain they go through!"

"But they do care! They love Pokemon, and care for them!"

Dialga thought on this for a second. "You're right. Humans do care. They are the best thing that ever happened to Pokemon." He turned to Sierra. "Thank you for helping me see through my anger. I have a feeling we'll meet again."

And with that, Dialga faded back into his realm.


Right after Chase and Sierra jumped, Brycen had appeared at the top of the stairs. After a hard fought battle, Drago and Adam were wearing down.

"Lux, use ThunderFang!"

"Cryogonal, use Blizzard!"

Lux'a fangs cackled with electricity,and he bit down hard on Scolipede. The Blizzard froze Haxorus solid.

The Pokemon had just enough time to retreat before Scolipede and Haxorus fell. The force of the two Pokemon shattered the floor, and their owners fell. Brycen and Nathan ran down the stairs, but Nathan caught a flash of red and saw Adam fly out of the tower on a huge maroon bird. Then, the floor collapsed and they tumbled down onto the hard stone floor.


Before Chase could fall far, Zekrom caught him with lightning speed.

"Palkia!" he shouted. "Stop this! What has anyone done to deserve this!"

"The humans," Palkia roared. "They battle Pokemon for fun like gladiators!"

"But they care!" Chase yelled. "They care for their Pokemon! They'd never hurt them purposely!"

Palkia was quiet for a moment. Then he said, "You're right. I have no reason to do this."

He turned to Chase. "Until we meet again," he told him, and then disappeared.

Chase and Sierra flew back into the crumbling tower and dismounted their Pokemon.

"Thank you for waking us," Reshiram and Zekrom spoke into their minds in unison. "It has been an honor to serve you."

"Many more challenges await you. We hope you overcome them the same way you overcame this challenge."

"Thank you for everything," the PokeChasers told the legends. "Goodbye."

And with that, Zekrom and Reshiram away. Chase and Sierra watched them until they were out of sight, then turned and looked at each other.

Sierra buried her head in Chase's shoulder and cried, mourning the loss of two of her friends.

Chase stood there, gazing into the distance and thinking about what was ahead.

The PokeChasers, standing on the edge of Dragonspiral Tower, were just the same as they were when their journey began. They were alone.

Alone, but together.

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