Chapter 14: Schemes in the City

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"Sierra? I can't get rid of you can I?"

"Ha! Nope!"

"Hey, follow me."

Adam took Sierra by the hand.

"I want to show you something."

They walked out of the forest and onto the bridge just as the sun was setting. As they stood there, gazing into each other's eyes, they leaned closer and closer. And this time, Chase wasn't there to interrupt.


When Chase finally arrived, he found Sierra and Adam chatting on the bridge. "Well, you won. Can we go to Castelia now?"

"Sure, I guess. See you Adam."

"Bye Sierra."

As they crossed the bridge, Chase was spouting facts about the Castelia City gym. "The leader, Burgh, uses bug types. I'm sure you'll beat him easy." Meanwhile, Sierra was wondering if she'd see Adam again. Suddenly, she remembered she hadn't gotten his Xtransceiver number! "Crud" she muttered under her breath. "Finally! We're here!" Chase stated the obvious. They had reached the end of the bridge, and staring down at them was the Castelia City skyline. Sierra completely forgot about Adam when she saw the majesty of that skyline. She also remembered her bet. "Hey, you owe me a Castelia Cone!" And she dashed off to find the cart.

******************************************Later, Sierra found herself in a dark alley, lost in the huge city, and, yet again, Chase had the map. She tried to contact him on his Xtransceiver, but stopped and ducked behind the trashcans when she saw a man with the Team Plasma emblem on his robe. He was talking to someone on his Xtransceiver. "I know the DreamController was a fail, but it wasn't my fault. The girl should've lost but that man dropped in. Yessir. Yessir, I understand. I won't fail you again Mr. Drago." He hung up and walked away. Once he was gone, she called Chase. He answered first ring. "Hey, where are you? I thought you were at the Castelia Cone cart but-"

"Team Plasma's up to something."

"What! What is it?"

"I don't know! He was talking about a DreamController thing."

"Who was he talking to?"

"He called the guy Mr. Drago."

Chase's eyes got as wide as saucers. "Are you sure that's what he said?"


Chase was silent for a moment. "We should get to the gym. They might be there."

"Ok, see you there."

Lucky for Sierra, there was a restaurant in the alley. She didn't know why, but she didn't question it. Sierra went in, bought a map, and sprinted to the gym.

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